Item 005 CPUC Lifeline (LIOB201210).pdf | 12/16/2020 |
Item 012 Proceeding A19-11-003 Letter DRAFT for LIOB Meeting.pdf | 12/10/2020 |
Agenda (Spanish).pdf | 12/9/2020 |
Item 003 LIOB 09-10-2020 Meeting Notes (DRAFT).pdf | 12/9/2020 |
Item 004a Sacramento Municipal Utility District (LIOB201210).pdf | 12/9/2020 |
Item 006a CPUC Water Division (LIOB201210).pdf | 12/9/2020 |
Item 006b CPUC CHANGES (LIOB201210).pdf | 12/9/2020 |
Item 006c CPUC Energy Division (LIOB201210).pdf | 12/9/2020 |
Item 007 CPUC Disconnections Update (LIOB201210).pdf | 12/9/2020 |
Item 008 CPUC Affordability (LIOB201210).pdf | 12/9/2020 |
Item 009 IOU Bridge Funding (LIOB201210).pdf | 12/9/2020 |
Item 010a IOU Disconnections (LIOB201210).pdf | 12/9/2020 |
Item 010b IOU CARE ESA Status Updates (LIOB201210).pdf | 12/9/2020 |
Item 011 CPUC Tribal Advisor (LIOB201210).pdf | 12/9/2020 |
2020-12-10 Low Income Oversight Board (LIOB) 4th Quarter Meeting Agenda.pdf | 12/2/2020 |
LIOB LIEAP TAC Agenda 11-17-2020.pdf | 11/6/2020 |
Item 005c_CPUC Energy Update (LIOB 200917).pdf | 9/16/2020 |
Item 009b_IOU Report of CARE_ESA (LIOB 200917).pdf | 9/15/2020 |
Item 009c_IOU Unspent Funds for ESA (LIOB 200917).pdf | 9/15/2020 |
Item 012_Subcommittee Recommendations on LINA Statement of Work (LIOB200917).pdf | 9/15/2020 |
Item 003 2020-06-12 Low Income Oversight Board Meeting Notes (DRAFT) (LIOB 200917).pdf | 9/10/2020 |
Item 005a_CPUC Leg Update (LIOB 200917).pdf | 9/10/2020 |
Item 005b_CPUC Water Update (LIOB 200917).pdf | 9/10/2020 |
Item 006b_CPUC SGIP Presentation (LIOB 200917).pdf | 9/10/2020 |
Item 007_CPUC Climate Adaptation D.20-08-046 (LIOB 200917).pdf | 9/10/2020 |
Item 008_CPUC Affordability Update (LIOB 200917).pdf | 9/10/2020 |
Item 009a_IOU COVID Impact (LIOB 200917).pdf | 9/10/2020 |
2020-09-17 Low Income Oversight Board (LIOB) Meeting Agenda.pdf | 8/21/2020 |
2020-07-31 LIOB LINA Committee Rec Letter to Commission.pdf | 8/3/2020 |
2020-07-21 LINA Subcommittee Recommendations.pptx | 7/29/2020 |
2020-07-21 LIOB LINA Subcommittee Presentation.pdf | 7/14/2020 |
2020-07-21 Low Income Oversight Board LINA Subcommittee Agenda.pdf | 7/13/2020 |
Item 001_2020-06-12 LIOB Meeting Agenda Revised (200612).pdf | 6/11/2020 |
Item 005b_LIOB Jun 12 2020 - Water Revised (200612).pptx | 6/11/2020 |
Item 006_Energy Division Updates LIOB 2020-06-12 - Revised.pptx | 6/11/2020 |
Item 003a_2020-03-06 LIOB San Jose - Meeting Notes (DRAFT)_Revised (LIOB 200612).docx | 6/8/2020 |
Item 005a_CPUC LIOB Leg. Update 6-12-20 (LIOB 200612).pdf | 6/8/2020 |
Item 005c_CHANGES LIOB Report June 2020 (LIOB200612).docx | 6/8/2020 |
Item 011_ESJ_LIOB Meeting 6.12.2020 (LIOB200612).pdf | 6/8/2020 |
Item 012aa_LIOB 2020 COVID_PSPS 6-12-20 FINAL IOU Slides.pptx | 6/8/2020 |
Item 013aa_LIOB 2020 Report of CARE_ESA 6-12-20 FINAL IOU Slides.pptx | 6/8/2020 |
Item 013b_LIOB 2020 Unspent Funds for ESA 6-12-20 FINAL IOU Slides (LIOB200612).pptx | 6/8/2020 |
2020-04-03 LIOB Subcommittee LINA Presentation.pptx | 4/29/2020 |
Item 003 - Cal Advocates Rate Trends Public Comment.pptx | 3/25/2020 |
SWRCB AB 401 Final Report.pdf | 3/25/2020 |
2020-04-03 LINA LIEAP Subcommittees Agenda.pdf | 3/24/2020 |
2020-03-30 Water and Climate Change Subcommittee Agenda.pdf | 3/19/2020 |
2020-03-06 LIOB Meeting Agenda San Jose (FINAL).pdf | 3/17/2020 |
Item 002 - Chair and Vice Chair.pdf | 3/17/2020 |
Item 004 - 2019-12-10 LIOB Meeting Notes Hanford (DRAFT).docx | 3/17/2020 |
Item 006 - Eliminating Transaction Fees on Water Utility Bill Payments by Credit and Debit Cards.pptx | 3/17/2020 |
Item 007a - Legislative Update 3-6-20.pdf | 3/17/2020 |
Item 007b - Energy Division Update 3-6-20.pptx | 3/17/2020 |
Item 009 - Building Decarbonization and the CPUC.pptx | 3/17/2020 |
Item 013a - IOU ESA-CARE Status Reports 2019.pptx | 3/17/2020 |
Item 013b - Energy Division presentation on rules regarding unspent funds.pptx | 3/17/2020 |
Item 013c - IOU ESA Unspent Funds 2019.pptx | 3/17/2020 |
Item 014a - PGE CWSP Presentation_LIOB_20200306.pdf | 3/17/2020 |
item 014b - SDGE PSPS Presentation_LIOB Final 2-28 share.pptx | 3/17/2020 |
Item 014c - SCE PSPS Presentation to LIOB March 2020 Final.pdf | 3/17/2020 |
03-06-2020 LIOB Meeting Packet.pdf | 2/28/2020 |
200306 LIOB Event Flyer.pdf | 2/24/2020 |
200114 LIOB Subcommittee LINA Agenda.pdf | 1/9/2020 |
LIOB121019 Hanford Meeting Notes APPROVED.docx | 1/9/2020 |
Item 11. ESA Multi-Family Single Administrator White Paper LIOB 121019.pdf | 1/8/2020 |
Event Poster - LIOB Meeting December 10th, 2019.pdf | 12/20/2019 |
Item 03. Final Draft LIOB Meeting Minutes LIOB121019.docx | 12/20/2019 |
Item 06. Self-Help Enterprises Presentation on San Joaquin Valley Proceeding LIOB121019.pptx | 12/20/2019 |
Item 07. CHANGES Presentation on Outreach Methods LIOB121019.pptx | 12/20/2019 |
Item 08a. Legislative Update LIOB121019.pdf | 12/20/2019 |
Item 08b. Energy Division Update LIOB121019.pptx | 12/20/2019 |
Item 10. Marin Clean Energy Presentation LIOB121019.pptx | 12/20/2019 |
Item 13. Solar on Muiltifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) Presentation LIOB121019.pptx | 12/20/2019 |
Item 14a. Joint IOU Report of the CARE and ESA Programs LIOB121019.pdf | 12/20/2019 |
Item 14b. Energy Division Presentation on Requirements for Unspent Funds LIOB121019.pptx | 12/20/2019 |
Item 14c. Joint IOUÂ’s Presentation on Unspent Funds for Energy Savings Assistance Program LIOB121019.pptx | 12/20/2019 |
Item 15a. PGE Presentation on 2021-2026 ESA-CARE Application LIOB121019.pptx | 12/20/2019 |
Item 15b. SCE Presentation on 2021-2026 ESA-CARE Application LIOB121019.pptx | 12/20/2019 |
Item 15c. SDGE Presentation on 2021-2026 ESA-CARE Application LIOB121019.pptx | 12/20/2019 |
Item 15d. SoCal Gas Presentation on 2021-2026 ESA-CARE Application LIOB121019.pdf | 12/20/2019 |
Final LIOB Agenda 12-10-19 (rev 12-5-19).docx | 12/5/2019 |
LIOB Meeting Packet for 2019-12-10.pdf | 12/5/2019 |
Final LIOB Agenda 12-10-19.docx | 11/27/2019 |
MF Program Evaluation EEC.pptx | 10/7/2019 |
2019-10-08 LIEAP and TAC Agenda.pdf | 10/1/2019 |
Public Meeting Calendar Requests for LIOB EAP and TAC.pdf | 9/30/2019 |
Approved Meeting Minutes of the 062419LIOB Meeting - Approved at the 091619LIOB Meeting.docx | 9/16/2019 |
Item 5. LIOB Update CSD IOU Collaboration LIOB091619.docx | 9/16/2019 |
Invite to the Mexican Independence Day Celebration 091619.pdf | 9/11/2019 |
Final LIOB Agenda091619Rev.pdf | 9/9/2019 |
Item 11. Joint Investor Owned Utilities' Report on the CARE and ESA Programs LIOB091619.pdf | 9/6/2019 |
Item 11. Joint IOUÂ’s Unspent Funds for Energy Savings Assistance LIOB091619.pptx | 9/6/2019 |
Item 3. Final Draft LIOB Meeting MinutesLIOB062419.pdf | 9/6/2019 |
Item 6. LifeLine Presentation on Boost Mobile and iFoster Pilot Programs.pptx | 9/6/2019 |
Item 7a. Water Utilities' Current Issues LIOB091619.pptx | 9/6/2019 |
Item 7b. Legislative Update LIOB091619.pdf | 9/6/2019 |
PGEs 2021 2026 Low Income Application Presentation LIOB091619.pdf | 9/6/2019 |
SCEs 2021 2026 Low Income Application Presentation LIOB091619.pdf | 9/6/2019 |
SDGEs 2021 2026 Low Income Program Application Presentation LIOB091619.pdf | 9/6/2019 |
SoCalGas 2021 2026 Low Income Application Presentation LIOB091619.pdf | 9/6/2019 |
Final LIOB Agenda091619.pdf | 9/5/2019 |
Item 7c. Energy Division Updates LIOB091619.pptx | 8/29/2019 |
LIOB September 16 event Poster.pdf | 8/19/2019 |
AB1232 Gloria.pdf | 8/6/2019 |
AB1366 GonzalezFletcher.pdf | 8/6/2019 |
Low-Income-High-Efficiency-June-2019 Policies to Expand Low-Income Multifamily Energy Savings Retrofits.pdf | 8/6/2019 |
080719 Agenda of Joint Meeting of the Legislative and LIEAP Subcommittee.docx | 7/25/2019 |
Item 10. Technical Advisory Committee TAC Presentation.pptx | 7/19/2019 |
AB 1232 (Gloria)- Fact Sheet Healthy Homes Act.pdf | 7/9/2019 |
AB 1232 Background Research Quick Reference Guide.docx | 7/9/2019 |
AB 1366 Fact Sheets VoIP and IP Enabled Services.pdf | 7/9/2019 |
AB 386 (Garcia) Factsheet Agricultural Working Poor Energy Efficient Housing Program.pdf | 7/9/2019 |
SB 704 (Bradford) Factsheet.pdf | 7/9/2019 |
071019 Legislative Subcommittee Agenda.docx | 6/28/2019 |
Approved Minutes of the 030619 LIOB Meeting Approved on 062419.docx | 6/24/2019 |
Item 7b. Water Utilities' Current Issues LIOB062419Revised.pptx | 6/20/2019 |
060519 Presentation of the Joint Meeting of the TAC and LIEAP.pptx | 6/4/2019 |
061219 Water and Climate Change Subcommittee Final Agenda.docx | 5/30/2019 |
Final LIOB Meeting Agenda LIOB062419Rev.pdf | 5/30/2019 |
Item 3. FinalDraft Minutes of the 030619 LIOBMeeting LIOB062419.pdf | 5/30/2019 |
Item 6a. Clean Energy Access Working Group LIOB Presentation062419.pdf | 5/30/2019 |
Item 6c. TEAM and CHANGES Presentation LIOB062419.pptx | 5/30/2019 |
Item 7a. Legislative Update.pptx | 5/30/2019 |
Item 7b. Water Utilities' Current Issues LIOB062419.pptx | 5/30/2019 |
Item 7c. Energy Division Updates LIOB062419.pptx | 5/30/2019 |
Item 8. Joint IOU's Report of CARE and ESA.pdf | 5/30/2019 |
Item 9a. Letter to the Commissioners from the LIEAP Subcommittee Re the ESA Program Post 2020 Decision LIOB062419.pdf | 5/30/2019 |
Item 9a. LIEAP Subcommittee Summary on the ESA Program Post 2020 Decision LIOB062419.pdf | 5/30/2019 |
2015-2017 ESA Impact Eval Results - Phase 2 - FINAL - April 26 Public Posting.xlsx | 5/28/2019 |
ESA Program Impact Evaluation Program Years 2015-2017 042619.pdf | 5/28/2019 |
Item 7a. Legislative Update.docx | 5/28/2019 |
Item 7b. Water Utilities' Current Issues.pptx | 5/28/2019 |
060519 Agenda of Joint Meeting of the TAC and LIEAP Subcommittee1.docx | 5/22/2019 |
LIEAP Subcommittee 050719.docx | 4/23/2019 |
PublicLIOB Flyer 062419.pdf | 3/26/2019 |
Approved Minutes of the 120518 LIOB Meeting Approved on 030619.docx | 3/7/2019 |
Item 6. EBMUD Customer Assistance Program LIOB030619.pptx | 3/5/2019 |
Item 11a. CPUC Legislative Update LIOB030619.pdf | 3/4/2019 |
Item 7. PGE's LIOB Presentation 030619.pptx | 3/1/2019 |
Item 11b. Water Utilities' Current Issues LIOB030619.pptx | 2/28/2019 |
Item 11b. Water_Utility_Low_Income_Paper_CPUC_Kahlon.pdf | 2/28/2019 |
Item 11d. California LifeLine Presentation LIOB March 6 2019 in El Cerrito.ppt | 2/28/2019 |
Item 3. FinalDraft LIOBmeetingminutes 120518.pdf | 2/28/2019 |
Item 4. CETF Draft Letter to IOUs Draft Dec 2018 LIOB030618.pdf | 2/28/2019 |
Item 4. CETF Proposed letter to the CPUC on Utility Broadband Outreach Dec 2018 LIOB030619.pdf | 2/28/2019 |
Item 7. Joint Report from the IOU's.pptx | 2/28/2019 |
Item 7. SCE's LIOB Presentation 030619.pptx | 2/28/2019 |
Item 7. SDGE LIOB Presentation 030619.pptx | 2/28/2019 |
Item 7. SoCalGas' LIOB Presentation 030619.pptx | 2/28/2019 |
Item 8a. Low Income Water draft_report_ab401 LIOB030619.pdf | 2/28/2019 |
Item 8a. Low Income Water Report draft_appendicies_ab401_report LIOB030619.pdf | 2/28/2019 |
Item 8b. Clear Directive and Deadlines from ED to the IOUs on Coordination with CSD on LIWP Leveraging 021219.pdf | 2/28/2019 |
Item 8b. CSD MF Letter to CPUC Challenges Implementing CSD-IOU Leveraging Directives 010419.pdf | 2/28/2019 |
Item 11c. Energy Division Updates.pptx | 2/27/2019 |
Final and Approved LIOB Agenda 030619.docx | 2/21/2019 |
LIOB Flyer 030619v1.pdf | 2/4/2019 |
ESA Post 2020 FinalWhite Paper Approved by LIOB 120518.pdf | 12/20/2018 |
LIOB ESA Post2010 WhitePaperRecommendations Approved at the 120518LIOBmgt.pdf | 12/20/2018 |
Approved Minutes of the 92018 LIOB Meeting - Approved 120518.docx | 12/6/2018 |
Item 10a. ESA Post 2020 Draft White Paper Recommendations from the LIESAP Subcommittee LIOB120518.pdf | 12/3/2018 |
Item 11. Energy Division Updates.pptx | 12/3/2018 |
Item 9a. CETF Pilot Project Full Presentation LIOB120518.pptx | 12/3/2018 |
12-5-18 Approved LIOB Meeting AgendaFinal-1.pdf | 11/30/2018 |
Item 10c. PGE Water Pilot Report to LIOB120518.pptx | 11/30/2018 |
Item 7a. IOU's CARE and ESA Report.pptx | 11/30/2018 |
Item 9b. TEAM and CHANGES Report LIOB120518.pptx | 11/30/2018 |
12-5-18 Approved LIOB Meeting AgendaFinal.docx | 11/20/2018 |
FLYER LIOB Stockton 120518.pdf | 11/20/2018 |
111318 LI ESAPsubcommittee meeting agendaFinalv1.docx | 11/1/2018 |
092418 CPUC Low Income Oversight Board_Member Solicitation_Oct2018 (002).pdf | 9/25/2018 |
Item 9. Project Scope -TAC LIOB092018.pptx | 9/20/2018 |
Item 10b.1a Estimating Elig for ESA and CARE Programs by Athens LIOB092018Final.ppt | 9/19/2018 |
Item 10a. Joint IOU's Report of the CARE and ESA ProgramsRev.pptx | 9/13/2018 |
Item 10b. ESA Education N Training.pptx | 9/13/2018 |
Item 10b. LIOB WET.EE.Table.8.18 for 9-20-18 meeting BTurner.docx | 9/13/2018 |
Item 10b.1 ESA Penetration for 2018 and Remaining Eligible PopulationRev.pptx | 9/13/2018 |
Item 4. LIOB Engagement 9.20.18.FinalRev.pdf | 9/13/2018 |
Item 6b. Water Utilities' Current Issues.pptx | 9/13/2018 |
Item 6c. California LifeLine -Informational Item.pdf | 9/13/2018 |
Item 6d. Highlights Activity for Low Income Energy Program-LINA and MF.pptx | 9/13/2018 |
Item 7b. IOU's Public Charge Rule LIOB120518.pptx | 9/13/2018 |
Item 8a. Draft Environmental and Socal Justice Strategy Action Plan.pdf | 9/13/2018 |
FinalLIOBMeeting Agenda92018Rev.doc | 9/7/2018 |
FinalLIOBMeeting Agenda92018.doc | 8/30/2018 |
2018 Water Pilot Report to LIOB WACC Subcommittee 8.23.18.pdf | 8/23/2018 |
PGE Energy Water Conservation Plan Final Report Subcommittee 82318.pdf | 8/23/2018 |
082318 Water and Climate Change Subcommittee.docx | 8/9/2018 |
Consolidated IOU Mid-Cycle AL Presentation_080118_Final_rev-1.pptx | 8/1/2018 |
Consolidated IOU Mid-Cycle AL Presentation_080118_Final.pptx | 7/31/2018 |
Consolidated IOU Mid-Cycle AL Presentation_080118_v2_Final.pptx | 7/31/2018 |
080118 Agenda of the Joint LINA and LIEAP Subcommittee.docx | 7/20/2018 |
Item 3. FinalDraft Meeting Minutes of the LIOB 060818.docx | 6/29/2018 |
Approved Meeting Minutes of the LIOB 030818 - Approved at the 060818LIOBMtgFinal.docx | 6/8/2018 |
Item 7. Joint IOU Report Revised1.pptx | 6/8/2018 |
Item 4e. Highlights Activity for Low Income Energy Program-LINA and MF.pptx | 6/7/2018 |
Item 5. Report of CSD and the LIWP.pptx | 6/7/2018 |
Item 7. Joint IOU Report Revised.pptx | 6/5/2018 |
Item 4a. Legislative Update.pdf | 6/4/2018 |
Item 7. Joint IOU Report.pptx | 6/4/2018 |
Item 4d. California LifeLine Presentation LIOB June 8 2018 in SAC.pdf | 5/29/2018 |
060818FINALLIOB Meeting AgendaRev2.doc | 5/25/2018 |
053118LIOB Subcommittee Meeting for Low Income Energy Assistance Program.pptx | 5/23/2018 |
5-31-18 Agenda of the Low Income Energy Assistance Program SubcommitteeFinalRev1.docx | 5/21/2018 |
060618Agenda of the Water and Climate Subcommittee.docx | 5/17/2018 |
5-31-18 Agenda of the Low Income Energy Assistance Program SubcommitteeFinalRev.docx | 5/14/2018 |
5-31-18 Agenda of the Low Income Energy Assistance Program SubcommitteeFinalRev2.docx | 5/14/2018 |
LIOB Memo_new member solicitation050318.doc | 5/7/2018 |
Agenda of the Legislative Subcommittee Meeting 5-10-18 rev1.docx | 4/27/2018 |
Agenda of the Legislative Subcommittee Meeting 5-10-18 rev3.docx | 4/27/2018 |
SCE AB 2868 Energy Storage Proposal LIOB030818FINAL.pptx | 3/16/2018 |
SDGE Energy Storage LIOB030818FINAL.pdf | 3/16/2018 |
Adopted LIOB Guiding Principles - Vision and Mission StatementRev030818.docx | 3/8/2018 |
Approved Meeting Minutes of the LIOB 120617 Approved at the 030818 LIOBmtg.docx | 3/8/2018 |
Item 8c. TEAM and CHANGES Presentation LIOB 030818Final.pptx | 3/6/2018 |
Item 7b. Water Utilities' Current Issues LIOB030818.pptx | 3/5/2018 |
Item 7d. Highlights Activities for Low Income Energy Program LINA Status LIOB030818.pptx | 3/5/2018 |
Item 10. IOU Reports for LIOB030818 FINAL revised.pptx | 3/2/2018 |
Item 7a. CPUC LIOB Legislative Update LIOB030818.pdf | 3/2/2018 |
Item 7c. California LifeLine Presentation LIOB030818 FINAL rev2.ppt | 3/2/2018 |
Item 8a. CPUC Tribal Consultation Policy LIOB030818 FINAL.pptx | 3/2/2018 |
Item 8b. Disadvantaged Communities Advisory Group LIOB030818.pptx | 3/2/2018 |
Approved LIOB Meeting Agenda 030818.doc | 2/26/2018 |
Docket Notice LIOB 030818.doc | 2/26/2018 |
Item 11. LIOB Guiding Principles - Vision and Mission Statement.docx | 2/26/2018 |
LIOB Subcommittee 011118 ESA Health Comfort Safety Evaluation 2017 - Preliminary Results.pdf | 1/5/2018 |
LIOB Subcommittee 011118 ESA Health Comfort Safety Evaluation 2017.docx | 1/5/2018 |
LIOB Subcommittee 011118 Notice of ESA Health Comfort Safety Evaluation 2017.docx | 1/5/2018 |
Item 4. Final DRAFT Meeting Minutes of the LIOB 120617.docx | 12/26/2017 |
Approved Meeting Minutes of the LIOB Sept272017 Approved at the 120617mtg.docx | 12/6/2017 |
12-5-17 ACR Inviting Applications for Appointment to the LIOB.pdf | 12/5/2017 |
Item 4f. Highlights Activity for Low Income Energy Program-LINA status Dec 6 2017Rev.pptx | 12/5/2017 |
Item 4d. Water Utilities' Current Issues SB632 LIOB010617.pptx | 12/4/2017 |
Item 6. Technical Advisory Committee LIOB120617.pptx | 12/4/2017 |
Item 7. Joint IOU's CHANGES Program LIOB120617.pptx | 12/4/2017 |
Item 7c. PGE HVAC LIOB120617.pptx | 12/4/2017 |
Item 4.e California LifeLine Presentation LIOB120617.ppt | 12/1/2017 |
Item 4.g MultiFamily Housing Working Group Activities LIOB120617.pptx | 12/1/2017 |
Item 5a. CHANGES LIOB Presentation Dec 6 FINAL.pptx | 12/1/2017 |
Item 5d. KingsNet Closing the digital divide V2LIOB120617.pptx | 12/1/2017 |
Item 7. Joint IOU's Reports LIOB120617 rev.pptx | 12/1/2017 |
Item 8a. LIOB Guiding Principles - Vision and Mission Statement.docx | 11/30/2017 |
1-11-18 Final Agenda of the Low Income Energy Assistance Program Subcommittee rev.docx | 11/27/2017 |
Item 8b. Fact Sheet CA Initiatives for LI Water users and Disadvantage Communities - Water and Climate Subcommitteev2.docx | 11/27/2017 |
Item 8a. 11-14-17 Final Draft Meeting Minutes of the Low Income Energy Assistance Program SubcommitteeRev.docx | 11/21/2017 |
Approved LIOB Meeeting Agenda 120617.doc | 11/17/2017 |
11-14-17 Agenda of the Low Income Energy Assistance Program Subcommittee Final.docx | 11/2/2017 |
11-14-17 Agenda of the Water and Climate Change Subcommittee Final.docx | 11/2/2017 |
DRAFT Meeting Minutes of the LIOB Sept272017 Mtg Rev.docx | 10/12/2017 |
Item 3. DRAFT Meeting Minutes of the LIOB Sept272017 Mtg Rev.docx | 10/11/2017 |
Approved Meeting Minutes June 8 2017_LIOB Mtg- Approved at the 092717LIOBmtg.docx | 9/27/2017 |
Item 4b. Water Utilities' Current Issues.pptx | 9/26/2017 |
CPUC LIOB Leg Update LIOB92717.pdf | 9/21/2017 |
Item 4.a Highlights Activity for Low Income Energy Program-LINA status LIOB92717.pptx | 9/21/2017 |
Item 5.e PUC Tribal Consultation Policy LIOB92717.pdf | 9/21/2017 |
Item 6. CETF Pilot Project Presentation LIOB092717.pptx | 9/21/2017 |
Item 8. Joint IOU Report ESA-CARE LIOB92717_IOUs FINAL Rev.pptx | 9/21/2017 |
Item 9.g Recommendations on Bills from the LIOB Legislative Subcommittee Mtg081117.docx | 9/21/2017 |
Approved LIOB Meeting Agenda 092717Rev.doc | 9/18/2017 |
List of Bills LIOB Legislative Subcommittee - August 11.docx | 7/31/2017 |
Agenda of the Legislative Subcommittee Meeting 8-11-17 (2).docx | 7/27/2017 |
DRAFT Meeting Minutes June 8 2017_LIOB Meeting SF updated 07132017.docx | 6/22/2017 |
Draft Meeting Minutes June 8 2017_LIOB Meeting SF.docx | 6/22/2017 |
Item 2. Final Draft LIOB meeting minutes 92018 RIALTO LIOB120518.docx | 6/22/2017 |
Item 3. DRAFT Meeting Minutes June 8 2017_LIOB Meeting SF updated 07132017.docx | 6/22/2017 |
Item 6a. Joint ESA-CARE Update LIOB 2017-06-08_FINALrev3.pptx | 6/12/2017 |
5d. CSD Update on Utility and CSD Data Sharing.pptx | 6/8/2017 |
Approved Minutes of the 031517 LIOB Meeting.doc | 6/8/2017 |
Item 6b. CalWORKs Enrollment Maps.pptx | 6/8/2017 |
Item 4a. CPUC LIOB Leg Update LIOB06082017.pptx | 6/5/2017 |
Item 4d. Highlights and Activity for Low Income Energy Program-LINA status LIOB06082017.pptx | 6/5/2017 |
Item 5b. SCG Renewable Gas Presentation LIOB06082017_v10.pdf | 6/5/2017 |
Item 5c. State Water Resources Control Board - Affordable Drinking Water to Low-Income Californians.pdf | 6/5/2017 |
Item 5e. MF Lessons Learned Proposed Next Steps LIOBB 06082017.pdf | 6/5/2017 |
Item 3. Draft Meeting Minutes of the LIOB 030818Rev1.2.docx | 5/19/2017 |
2016 LINA Final Report - Volume 1 of 2.pdf | 12/1/2016 |
2016 LINA Final Report - Volume 2 of 2.pdf | 12/1/2016 |
Copy of Copy of 2016 LINA Banner Tables from Telephone Survey.xlsx | 12/1/2016 |
ESA CARE LI Needs Assessment Final Report - Volume 1 - 12-16-13.pdf | 12/1/2016 |
ESA CARE LI Needs Assessment Final Report - Volume 2 - 12-16-13.pdf | 12/1/2016 |
ESA CARE LI Needs Assessment Final Report - Volume 3 - 12-16-13.docx | 12/1/2016 |
Needs_Assessment-Final_Report-Sept-2007ES.pdf | 12/1/2016 |
11-22-16 Approved LIOB Meeting Agenda.doc | 11/22/2016 |
2CustomerEligibility.doc | 7/28/2016 |
2-23-16 Final Agenda of the LIOB Meeting rev.doc | 2/23/2016 |
Approved Meeting Minutes of the 2-23-16 LIOB Meeting - Approved at the 7-20-16 LIOB Meeting.docx | 2/23/2016 |
ACF12.pdf | 1/31/2016 |
ACF3A.ppt | 1/23/2016 |
01-10-13 ALJ's Ruling Granting Extension of Time to File Annual Estimates of CARE Program.pdf | 1/1/2016 |
5-28-15 Approved LIOB Meeting Agenda v1newmember.doc | 5/28/2015 |
5-27-15 Agenda Water Sub-committee.doc | 5/27/2015 |
5-26-15 Agenda ESAP and CARE Implementation Subcommittee Rev.doc | 5/26/2015 |
5-26-15 Agenda ESAP and CARE Implementation Subcommittee.doc | 5/26/2015 |
4d. 2012-2014 Budget Applications Guidance Document Overview-2.ppt | 2/8/2014 |
5b. IOU CARE Participation 2013-Nov-06 LIOB.ppt | 11/6/2013 |
5. Recent and Upcoming Activities for LIEE and CARE ppt.ppt | 4/8/2012 |
3. LIOB Draft Meeting Minutes 1-26-12 zca (2).doc | 1/26/2012 |
3. Draft Minutes of 9-26-11 LIOB meeting -Sacramento_v2.doc | 9/26/2011 |
4. SMUD-LIOB 9-26-11.pdf | 9/26/2011 |
4. SMUD-LIOB 9-26-11.pptx | 9/26/2011 |
1_13ntc.doc | 8/24/2011 |
1a. LIOB Members.doc | 8/18/2011 |
5. IOUs Implementation Update of 2009-2011 LIEE and CARE Program.ppt | 8/10/2011 |
3. Final Draft LIOB minutes June 21 2011.doc | 6/21/2011 |
3. LIOB Charter - Election of New Officers Article 6.1 Officers.DOC | 6/2/2011 |
1a. LIOB Members Rev 4-28-11.doc | 4/28/2011 |
4a. 2009-2011 Studies and Pilots Timeline Spreadsheet.xls | 4/8/2011 |
4a. 2009-2011 Studies and Pilots Presentation.ppt | 3/6/2011 |
3a. 2009-2011 Studies and Pilots Timeline Spreadsheet.xls | 3/4/2011 |
3a. 2009-2011 Studies and Pilots Presentation.ppt | 3/3/2011 |
4c. CA Workforce Education and Training Needs Assessment.ppt | 2/2/2011 |
5c. Codes and Standards.ppt | 1/1/2011 |
1. Agenda 10-26-10 ppt version.ppt | 10/26/2010 |
5b. Disconnection Slide_Sept_2010LIOB Revised.ppt | 9/30/2010 |
3 Recent and Upcoming Activities for LIEE and CARE ppt 9-22-10.ppt | 9/22/2010 |
1a. LIOB Members Rev 9-20-10.doc | 9/20/2010 |
5b. Disconnection Slide_Sept_2010LIOB.PPT | 9/20/2010 |
1a. LIOB Members Rev 9-7-10.doc | 9/7/2010 |
1. Agenda 9-22-10 ppt version.ppt | 9/2/2010 |
1. Agenda 6-2-10 ppt version.ppt | 6/2/2010 |
1. LIOB Agenda - June 2 2010 khy revisions v1.doc | 6/2/2010 |
3. Recent and Upcoming Activities for LIEE and CARE ppt 6-2-10.ppt | 6/2/2010 |
4b. CARE TANF Presentation for LIOB 060210 Final.ppt | 6/2/2010 |
3. Recent and Upcoming CPUC CARE-LIEE Activities sbs.doc | 6/1/2010 |
5b. Disconnection Slide_June_2010LIOB.ppt | 6/1/2010 |
5-30SummaryofNAWorkshop.doc | 5/31/2010 |
5-31NAworkshopnotes.doc | 5/31/2010 |
5-30NAworkshopNotes.doc | 5/30/2010 |
5-30NAworkshopnotesII.doc | 5/30/2010 |
1a. LIOB Members Rev 5-20-10.doc | 5/20/2010 |
5a. CARE-LIEE Program Implementation.ppt | 5/5/2010 |
5-3Finaldraftmin5-3V3byKL.doc | 5/3/2010 |
5-2FinalApprovedMin.doc | 5/2/2010 |
3. Protecting CARE Customers During Economic Crisis.ppt | 4/29/2010 |
4e. Quarterly Mtgs revamp.ppt | 4/8/2010 |
1. Agenda 3-30-10 ppt version.ppt | 3/30/2010 |
1. Agenda of the LIOB Meeting - March 30, 2010.doc | 3/30/2010 |
1a. LIOB Members Rev 3-15-10.doc | 3/15/2010 |
1. Final Agenda 1-26-2010 rev2.doc | 1/26/2010 |
2nd Draft Needs Assessment Resolution E-3646 - Jan. 26.doc | 1/26/2010 |
4 Schedule of activities 26 Jan 2010 (2).doc | 1/26/2010 |
1a. LIOB Members Rev 1-20-10.doc | 1/20/2010 |
1. Final Agenda 11-9-09.doc | 11/9/2009 |
5. Schedule of activities September 29- sbs FINAL (2).DOC | 10/29/2009 |
5. Schedule of activities November 9, 2009 Rev 10-22-09.DOC | 10/22/2009 |
1a. LIOB Members Rev 10-15-09.doc | 10/5/2009 |
1. Agenda 9-29-09 ppt version v1.ppt | 9/29/2009 |
4. LIOB 2009-09-29 PGE LIEE-CARE Update.ppt | 9/29/2009 |
4. Master Document Presentation SDGE and SCG Implementation of 2009-2011 Budget Applications 9-29-090r.pdf | 9/29/2009 |
4. DRAFT SCE LIOB Sept 29 2009 9-16-09.pdf | 9/16/2009 |
1. Final Agenda 9-29-09.doc | 8/18/2009 |
1. Approved Agenda 6-25-09 final 6-3-09.doc | 6/25/2009 |
5. DRA presentation CARE to LIOB_20090623.ppt | 6/23/2009 |
5. DRA presentation CARE to LIOB_20090610v2.pps | 6/10/2009 |
1a. LIOB Members Rev 6-9-09.doc | 6/9/2009 |
5-30NAworkshopNotesI.doc | 5/20/2009 |
5-19LIABPY2001Recommendations1.doc | 5/19/2009 |
4a. OIR re disconnections.ppt | 5/5/2009 |
5a. CARE LIEE Program Implementation.PPT | 5/5/2009 |
3_31_99ltrwagoner.doc | 3/31/2009 |
5. Schedule of Activities for LIEE and CARE -sbs-3-24-09 (2).ppt | 3/24/2009 |
3-19-01 RRM Working Group.doc | 3/19/2009 |
4c. CA Workforce Education and Training NA Project Overview.ppt | 3/8/2009 |
4. PG and E's Update on Implementation of 09-11 Budget Applications.ppt | 9/11/2008 |
5Roles Attachment B.doc | 5/8/2008 |
5a. CARE LIEE Program Implementation Revised.PPT | 5/5/2008 |
5a. Marketing and Outreach minutes.docx | 5/5/2008 |
4Roles Summary.doc | 4/1/2008 |
4a. SCG and LADWP Data Sharing Efforts v3.pdf | 2/2/2008 |
5d. Sacramento Avenues Weatherization Project.pdf | 8/9/2007 |
5. Update Water Low Income Issues.ppt | 11/28/2006 |
3CustomerOutreachandMarketing-2006.doc | 11/11/2006 |
4. PG and E Implemenation of 09-11 Budget Applications Rev.pdf | 9/11/2006 |
5g. ESAP Subcommittee Notes and recommendations.doc | 5/5/2006 |
5ProgramMeasures-2006.doc | 2/5/2006 |
5. IOUs Customer Disconnection Report.ppt | 2/2/2006 |
1. Agenda.ppt | 1/1/2006 |
4HomeVisitProcedures-2006.doc | 1/1/2006 |
5 Year Chart of the Energy Savings from LIEE program results-ending 2005.xls | 5/9/2005 |
5a. Marketing and Outreach minutes.doc | 5/5/2005 |
4-21-05 CARE LIEE RD Report and 5.xls | 4/21/2005 |
4-11-05 Docket Notice.doc | 4/11/2005 |
3-30-05 Docket Notice Final v1.doc | 3/30/2005 |
3-14 and 15 workshop notice.doc | 3/15/2005 |
3-13 and 14 workshop notice.doc | 3/14/2005 |
5-21-05 CARE LIEE RD Report and 5.xls | 2/21/2005 |
5. Donal Vial Center Presentation on Workforce Issues.ppt | 2/8/2005 |
4. PG and E Implemenation of 09-11 Budget Applications.pdf | 9/11/2004 |
04-27-04 Agenda Package Index1(1).xls | 4/27/2004 |
4-27-04 Docket Notice.doc | 4/27/2004 |
2-19-04 Approved Minutes.doc | 2/19/2004 |
01-26-04 Agenda.doc | 1/26/2004 |
1-26-04 Agenda Package Index.xls | 1/26/2004 |
1-26-04 Approved Minutes.doc | 1/26/2004 |
1-26-04 Docket Notice Terrie's Version.doc | 1/26/2004 |
3a. We CARE Week - Outreach Efforts and Outcomes.pdf | 1/8/2004 |
1st Draft Resolution E-3646.doc | 8/25/2003 |
3-28IndexJoint LIABandAC.xls | 3/28/2003 |
2-27-03 D03-02-070 Scope - Scedule for CARE-LIEE Program Eval.doc | 2/27/2003 |
1-15-03 LIOB Agenda.doc | 1/15/2003 |
1-15-03 LIOB Public Notice for CPUC Calendar.doc | 1/15/2003 |
5-29-02 Approved LIOB MTG Minutes.doc | 5/29/2002 |
5-29-02 LIOB Public Notice for CPUC Calendar.doc | 5/29/2002 |
3-6-02 Workshop Agenda.doc | 3/6/2002 |
3-6-02 Workshop Notice.doc | 3/6/2002 |
1Roles Cover.doc | 10/20/2001 |
3-6-01 Workshop Letter_.doc | 3/6/2001 |
3-6-01 Workshop Letter__.doc | 3/6/2001 |
3-2-01 Workshop Ltr about the 3-6-01 Workshop Letter_.doc | 3/2/2001 |
2-1-1 Executive Summary.doc | 2/1/2001 |
3-71422-01 Workshop Letter_1.doc | 1/1/2001 |
5-24-00AljRulingReCommentsRepliestoRecentFilingsR9807037.doc | 5/24/2000 |
01-27-00 Cover Letter LIGB Comments on Alternate.doc | 1/27/2000 |
01-XX-00 Cover Letter LIGB Comments on Alternate--Test.doc | 1/27/2000 |
1-26-00Needs Assessment Resolution - Cover Letter.doc | 1/26/2000 |
2_1_99ltrCom.doc | 8/23/1999 |
1_5_99rpt.doc | 5/1/1999 |
1_5_99rptcvrltr.doc | 5/1/1999 |
1_9ntc.doc | 5/1/1999 |
03_16_ and _17_99LIGBAgenda.doc | 3/17/1999 |
3-8-99 ACR.doc | 3/8/1999 |
03-18-13 ALJ's Ruling Seeking Comments on the Cost Effectiveness White Paper on ESAP Methodology and Framework.pdf | |
03-18-13 ALJ's Ruling Seeking Comments on the Mid-Cycle Working Group Progress Report.pdf | |
05-01-12 BVES Low Income Assistance Program 2011 Annual Report Revised Attachments.pdf | |
05-01-12 Pacificorp Low Income Assistance Program 2011 Annual Report.pdf | |
05-01-12 PGE 2012 (PY 2011) ESA and CARE Annual Report.pdf | |
05-01-12 PGE 2012 (PY 2011) FERA Annual Report.pdf | |
05-01-12 SCE 2012 (PY 2011) ESA and CARE Annual Report.pdf | |
05-01-12 SDGE 2012 (PY 2011) ESA and CARE Annual Report.pdf | |
05-01-12 SDGE 2012 (PY 2011) FERA Annual Report.pdf | |
05-01-12 SoCalGas 2012 (PY 2011) ESA and CARE Annual Report.pdf | |
05-01-12 Southwest Gas Low Income Assistance Program 2011 Annual Report.pdf | |
05-04-12 PD On Large IOU's 2012-2014 ESA and CARE Applications.pdf | |
06-01-12 Proposed Decision Adopting Extension of Bridge Funding mo to mo starting July 1, 2012.pdf | |
07-24-13 2nd amended scoping memo and ruling of AC and ALJ.PDF | |
1-22-15 E-Mail Ruling Providing Notice of Upcoming LIOB Subcommittee Meeting on 2-4-15.pdf | |
2_3mtgagn.doc | |
2-25-14 ACR by Comm Sandoval Concerning Categorical Eligbility and Enrollment and Definition of Income.pdf | |
2-5-15 Joint ALJ's Ruling Noticing All-Party Meetings concurrently with the 2-19-15 LIOB Meeting.pdf | |
2nd Revised Workshop Notice Calendared.doc | |
2Roles Intro.doc | |
3 zabinliob1-26puc public meetingpptshort rjw rev.ppt | |
3. Recent and Upcoming CPUC CARE-LIEE Activities.doc | |
3-20-12 ESAP-CARE 2012-2014 - Joint Parties Amended CARE Eligibility Estimates.pdf | |
3-20-12 PD Providing Guidance on 2013-2014 Energy Efficiency Portfolios and 2012 Marketing, Education and Outreach.pdf | |
3R and R Recommendations.doc | |
4. OIR re disconnections.ppt | |
4. SCE Implementation of 09-11 Budget Applications.pdf | |
4. SCE's Update Implementation of 2009-2011 Budget Applications.pdf | |
4. SDGE and SCG Implementation of 09-11 Budget Applications.pdf | |
4. SDGE and SCG's Update Implementation of 2009-2011 Budget Applications.ppt | |
4-10-15 Scoping Memo and Ruling of Assigned Commissioner and ALJ Setting Forth the Procedural Schedule.pdf | |
4-4-14 ACR by Comm Sandoval Inviting Applications for 2 public LIOB pos.pdf | |
5. LIOB presentation_SDGE_LI IHD PrePilot Results_FINALVersion.pdf | |
5-13-14 PD Phase II on Large IOU's 2012-2014 ESA and CARE Program App.pdf | |
5-16-13 All Party Questions.pdf | |
5-18-15 ALJ Ruling Noticing the LIOB Meeting of 5-28-15.pdf | |
5-7-15 ALJ Ruling Noticing LIOB Subcommittee Meetings 5-26 and 27.pdf | |
5c. IndianWells_Partnership9-19 FINAL.pdf | |
6. Legislative Bills.ppt | |
6. Legislative Summary for 29 September (2).doc | |
6. Legislative Summary Rev 10-27-09sbs.doc | |
6. LifeLine Telephone Program Update rev.ppt | |
6. Schedule of activities June 2009-mla-sbs-6-9-09 v1.DOC | |
6. Schedule of activities June 2009-mla-sbs-6-9-09 v2.DOC | |
6. Schedule of activities June 2009-mla-sbs-6-9-09 v3.doc | |
6. Utility Presentation on the upcoming budget App.pdf | |
6-14-02 LIOB Public Notice for CPUC Calendar.doc | |
6-14-2002 Approved LIOB Meeting Minutes.doc | |
6-19-14 ACR by Comm Sandoval Extending the Deadline for Filing the ESA and CARE Programs and Budgets Applications for 201 1.pdf | |
6-20CorrectedAgenda2.doc | |
6-20TC Notice.doc | |
6-20TCagenda.doc | |
6-21-05 CARE LIEE Report and 5.xls | |
6-24-13 Agenda of the Emerging Issues Subcommittee.doc | |
6-27-14 Alternate PD of Commissioner Florio of Phase II Decision on the IOU's 2012-2014 ESA and CARE Program.pdf | |
6-2728LIABAgenda.doc | |
6-27ApprovedNotice.doc | |
6-27LIAB Index.xls | |
6-7AgendaV1.doc | |
6-7Critical Path.doc | |
6-7LI Program Schedule.doc | |
6-7LIAB Index.xls | |
6-7LIABdraft CommentsonPhase I Manual.doc | |
6-7Notice.doc | |
6a Legislative Bills- 24 March LIOB-sbs (2).ppt | |
6a SCE Report on Training Requirements and Curriculum Rev 1-25-10.ppt | |
6a. LIOB_Sept2010-DWA_WaterConservationUpdate.ppt | |
6a. PG and E LIEE Report on Training Requirements and Curriculum.ppt | |
6a. SCE LIEE Report on Training Requirements and Curriculum.ppt | |
6a. SCG LIEE Report on Training Requirements and Curriculum.ppt | |
6a. SDG and E LIEE Report on Training Requirements and Curriculum.ppt | |
6b. IOU 12 Month Disconnects.ppt | |
6b. IOU 12 Month Disconnects.pptx | |
6b. PG and E LIEE-CARE Program Implementation.pdf | |
6b. SCE LIEE-CARE Program Implementation Rev.ppt | |
6b. SCE LIEE-CARE Program Implementation.ppt | |
6b. SCG LIEE-CARE Program Implementation.ppt | |
6b. SDG and E LIEE-CARE Program Implementation.ppt | |
6c SCE customer disconnection.ppt | |
6c. CSI Update.ppt | |
6c. PG and E Avoiding Disconnects.ppt | |
6c. PG and E Customer Disconnection Issues.ppt | |
6c. SCE Avoiding Disconnects.pdf | |
6c. SCE Customer Disconnection Issues.ppt | |
6c. SCG Customer Disconnection Issues.ppt | |
6c. SDG and E and SoCalGas Disconnection Benchmark Report Slide ppt.pdf | |
6c. SDG and E Avoiding Disconnects.ppt | |
6c. SDG and E Customer Disconnection Issues.ppt | |
6c. SoCalGas Avoiding Disconnects.ppt | |
6d. IOU Energy Education presentation.pdf | |
6d. Jointly Proposed 2012-2014 Energy Education Study.pdf | |
6d. Smart Meters Update.ppt | |
6GL Overrides.doc | |
6MB01!.DOC | |
6MinorHomeRepairs-2006.doc | |
7 17 Workshop Agenda.DOC | |
7 18 Workshop Agenda.DOC | |
7. Highlights of Upcoming Activities for CARE and ESAP.ppt | |
7. LifeLine Telephone Program Update.ppt | |
7. SB 695 Impact on rates-ssbs-3-30-10.ppt | |
7.25.26TCNotice.doc | |
7_18APPA.DOC | |
7_18APPB.DOC | |
7_18ATT1.DOC | |
7_18ATT2.DOC | |
7_18ATT3.DOC | |
7_18ATT4.DOC | |
7_18RPT.DOC | |
7-10 and 11 Draft Notice.doc | |
7-1-10 LI Presentation.ppt | |
7-11-14 PD Resolving General Rate Case of San Jose Water Company.pdf | |
7-18-13 ESAP and CARE Implementation Subcommittee Docket Notice.doc | |
7-21-11 ALJ's Ruling Consolidating Related Proceeding and Setting a Joint Rephearing Conference 7-21-11.pdf | |
7-3-01 Continuation of Attachment Z.xls | |
7-3-01 Cover Letter for Final Workshop Report.doc | |
7-3-01 Final Workshop Report Unallocated SBX1 5 Funds.doc | |
7-3-01 Workshop Attachments V2.doc | |
7-3-13 Joint Ruling by ACR and ALJ Letter to ALJ KIm re LI Needs Assessment Study Extension.doc | |
7-3-13 Joint Ruling by ACR and ALJ Revised Request for Extension of Time.doc | |
7-7-98 Web page.doc | |
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ACFLY3.doc | |
ACMT1023.DOC | |
ACR 9-11-00 Weatherization Installation Standards.doc | |
ACR A0011009 March 2, 2001.doc | |
ACR and ALJ Bushey Ruling concluding consideratin of Initial Proposal and Directing parties to address alternative propos 1.doc | |
ACR and ALJ Ruling Regarding Initial Schedule on Stratetic Plan 7-14-08.pdf | |
ACR and ALJ Scoping Memo for Phase 2 Baseline Proceeding Feb 26,02.doc | |
ACR Announcing 2 public positions and 1 contractor's pos 6-23-09.pdf | |
ACR Brown in Telephone Proceeding Requirement for Comments on Finder's Fee and Auto Enrollment Apr 19,02.doc | |
ACR Com Wood Directing PG and E to Respond to Emergency Motion Re suspension of LIEE Weatherization Program Aug 20, 02.doc | |
ACR Com Wood Establish Category and Providing Scoping Memo Aug 21, 2002.doc | |
ACR Com Wood Postponing Bill Inserts for Auto Enrollment Aug 13, 2002.doc | |
ACR Com Wood PY 2002 Scoping Memo and Ruling.doc | |
ACR Com Wood PY 2002 Scoping Memo May 30,02.doc | |
ACR Establishment of the LIOB November 20, 01.doc | |
ACR Establishment of the LIOB November 20, 02.doc | |
ACR Granting Extension to File Preliminary EE Strategic Plan.pdf | |
ACR Grueneich's Extending Deadline for LIOB Applicants 8-1-07.pdf | |
ACR Grueneich's Ruling Inviting Applications for 2 Public Pos and 1 Contractor Pos 12-16-13.pdf | |
ACR Inviting Applications for Appointment to the LIOB 10-28-08.pdf | |
ACR Inviting Applications for Appointment to the LIOB 12-18-08.doc | |
ACR Joint Peevey and Wood Review of Post 2002 Low Income Assistance Program for Southwest Gas and Other SMJU April 19,02.doc | |
ACR Lynch AB 1002 Rulemaking Scope and Schedule dated 4-22-03.doc | |
ACR Lynch Establisment of the LIOB and Implementation of other Provisions of SB X1 2 11-20-2001.doc | |
ACR Lynch -Wood Requesting comments on shareholder earning continuation and requesting tables 5-6-03.doc | |
ACR on CARE Forms for PG and E Dated 1-30-01.doc | |
ACR on CARE Program Evaluations 9-27-02.doc | |
ACR on Implementation of PU Code Sec 399-15 Load Control.doc | |
ACR on Low-Income Energy Efficiency Standardization Project 6-6-01.doc | |
ACR Peevey's Finalizing Section 3.2 of CA Solar Initiative Program Handbook 5-2-07.pdf | |
ACR Post 2001 Low Income Assistance Program Planning Feb 27,02.doc | |
ACR Postponing Utility Data Submission Date for Auto Enrollment 10-9-02.doc | |
ACR Providiing Guidance for SMJUs on CARE and LIEE 09-11 Budget Applications Attchmnt A.pdf | |
ACR Providiing Guidance for SMJUs on CARE and LIEE 09-11 Budget Applications Attchmnt B.pdf | |
ACR Providing Guidance Concerning th eCARE and Energy Savings Assistance Program and Related 2012-2014 Budget App.pdf | |
ACR Providing Guidance for Low Income EE 09-11 Budget Applications 4-1-08.pdf | |
ACR Providing Guidance for SMJUs on CARE and LIEE 09-11 Budget Applications 5-2-08.pdf | |
ACR Regarding Joint Utility Weatherization Installation Manual.doc | |
ACR Regarding Updated CARE Penetration Rates 12-27-02.doc | |
ACR Requesting Applications for Appointment of a Public Position of the LIOB 11-12-10.pdf | |
ACR Requesting Applications for Appointment of a Public Position of the LIOB 9-28-10.pdf | |
ACR Requesting Applications for Appt of Two Public Pos of the LIOB 11-17-09.pdf | |
ACR Requesting Applications for Appt to the LIOB 6-23-09.pdf | |
ACR Simon's Requesting applications for appt of two LIOB 11-21-11.pdf | |
ACR Simon's Requesting applications for appt to the LIOB public pos 9-25-12.pdf | |
ACR Wod re Updated Care Penetration Rates 12-27-02.doc | |
ACR Wood Approving a Revised Schedule for Completing the Low Income Energy Needs Assessment Study Dated 5-5-04.doc | |
ACR Wood Approving a Work Plan, Budget and Schedule for Phase 5 LIEE 10-22-04.doc | |
ACR Wood Approving a Workpaln Budget and Schedule for Phase 5 of the LIEE Standardization Project dated 10-22-04.doc | |
ACR Wood Augmentation of the Budget for LIEE Standardization Project 8-18-03.DOC | |
ACR Wood CARE Penetration Rates Workshops Jan 14,02.doc | |
ACR Wood CARE Program Funding for 2002 March 29,02.doc | |
ACR Wood Establishing Provisiongs for CARE Automatic Enrollment Dated 5-5-04.doc | |
ACR Wood Extending Due Date for the Augmentation of A02-07-001-004 Sep 17,02.doc | |
ACR Wood Extends LIOB Applications Due Date Jan 18,02.doc | |
ACR Wood Increasing Budget Phase 2 of the Low Income Energy Needs Assessment June 4 2003.doc | |
ACR Wood LIEE Phase 3 Budget Augmentation and Revised Phase 4 Project Workplan Feb 19,02.doc | |
ACR Wood Modifying Due Date for CO Testing Per D03-11-020 dated 12-3-03.doc | |
ACR Wood Modifying the Schedule and Due Date for ED Report on Audit of the CARE for Energy Program Admin Expenses 6-22-04.doc | |
ACR Wood PY 2002 Scoping Memo dated May 30 2002.doc | |
ACR Wood Re-Opening Period to Receive Applications from Persons Interested in servin on the LIOB dated July 8, 2003.doc | |
ACR Wood Reopens Application Period for LIOB April 12,02.doc | |
ACR Wood Requiring an early start to phase 5 of the LIEE Program Standardization Project 10-1-04.doc | |
ACR Wood Revising Due Date for Final Report on ED audit of the CARE Admin Expenses dated July 16, 2003.DOC | |
ACR Wood Revising Due Date for Final Rprt on LIEE and ED Audit for CARE Prgm Admin Expns 4-8-03.doc | |
ACR Wood Revising Phase 4 of the LIEE Standardization Project 1-28-03.doc | |
ACR Wood Revising the due date for ED Report on the Audit of CARE Admin Expenses 3-7-03.doc | |
ACR Wood Revising the due date for the Final Report on ED Audit of PG and E's LIEE Program 10-2-03.doc | |
ACR Wood Revising the due date for the final report on ED audit of PG and E's LIEE Program 9-17-04.doc | |
ACR Wood Revising the due dates for final reports on LIEE and En Div Audit of CARE Admin Expens June 3 2003.doc | |
ACR Wood Schedule for Phase 4 dated 2-24-03.doc | |
ACR Wood Seeking Comments on the Energy Division Evaluates and Recommends Improvements on the LIEE Programs 10-2-03.doc | |
ACR Wood Solicits Comments on Draft 1 Needs Assessments and Adds Phase 2 Study Task May 9,02.doc | |
Administrative Law Judge's Ruling Regarding Motions to Strike.doc | |
AdministrativeCostTreatment-draft-w6.doc | |
AdministrativeCostTreatment-final.doc | |
ADMN.doc | |
Advice Letter Appendices.doc | |
Advice Ltr NEB study.pdf | |
AdviceL.doc | |
AEAPLIGBdataresponse.doc | |
Affidavit of Bear Valley Electric Certifying Compliance w AB2104.pdf | |
Affidavit of Sierra Pacific Power Certifying Compliance w AB2104.pdf | |
AG011800.doc | |
AG011900.doc | |
AG081799.doc | |
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AG101399.doc | |
AG110999.doc | |
AG121499.doc | |
AG121599 2.doc | |
AG121599.doc | |
Agd90928.doc | |
Ageda Item 5 Recent and Upcoming CARE-LIEE Activities.DOC | |
Ageda Item and 5 Legislative Summary.doc | |
Ageda Item and 9 LIOB-Assemby Joint Resolution 3 by Dymally.pdf | |
Agend Item and 10 LIOB-SeanWilson_Presentation.DOC | |
Agenda 2008-Feb-20.doc | |
Agenda 9-15-05 and 1.doc | |
Agenda and 1 Final Agenda.doc | |
Agenda and 1 LIOB Agenda.doc | |
Agenda and 1 LIOB-Member_List_060707.doc | |
Agenda and 11 KEMA Draft Report on Phase 2 Low Income Needs Assessment 9-6-06.pdf | |
Agenda and 11 LIOB-SeanWilson_Presentation_June2007.DOC | |
Agenda and 12 LIOB Draft Minutes of June 7-2006 Meeting-7-25-06 sbs.doc | |
Agenda and 12 LIOB Draft Minutes of June 7-2006 Meeting-7-25-06 sbs1.doc | |
Agenda and 12 LIOB-Mar2007_MeetingMinutes_Final_052107.doc | |
Agenda and 2 LIOB Member List Revised 9-06.doc | |
Agenda and 2 LIOB-Activities_List_ June2007_060607.doc | |
Agenda and 2 Recent and Upcoming Activities.doc | |
Agenda and 3 LIOB-Legislation Summary_June 2007.doc | |
Agenda and 3 Schedule of Low Income Activities-9-14-06.DOC | |
Agenda and 3a Low Income Program Contact List.doc | |
Agenda and 4 Low Income legislative update - 9-14-06.doc | |
Agenda and 8a Water Energy Workshop Presentation to LIOB Sept Meeting.DOC | |
Agenda and 8b What is Happening in Water Conservation.DOC | |
Agenda April 7 2010.doc | |
Agenda August 13 2008.doc | |
Agenda Evaluation, Measurement and ESAP Subcommittee 7-2-12 Rev1.doc | |
Agenda for LIEE Segment-HUNA Public Meeting Nov 23cme.doc | |
Agenda for the May 17, 2004 LIOB Meeting.doc | |
Agenda Item 1 Agenda of the 4-11-05 LIOB Meeting.doc | |
Agenda Item 2 (LIOB Draft Minutes of the 2-25-05 Meeting) (2).doc | |
Agenda Item 3 Bagley Keene Opening Meeting Act.pdf | |
Agenda Item 4 Senate Bill 580.pdf | |
Agenda Item 4b -- salinas flyer rev 2 (2).pdf | |
Agenda Item 5 Senate Bill 769.pdf | |
Agenda Item 6a Legislative Summary for 24 March FINAL VERSION (3).doc | |
Agenda Item 8 Commissioner Greuniech ruling asking the Team to withdraw its Manual changes proposals.doc | |
Agenda Item 8 Final Draft Minutes of the 1-21-09 LIOB Meeting.doc | |
Agenda Item and 1 LIOB Members Rev 2-25-09.doc | |
Agenda Item and 1 LIOB Members V1.doc | |
Agenda Item and 1 Member Contact List.doc | |
Agenda Item and 10 LIOB-SeanWilson_Presentation.DOC | |
Agenda Item and 10 Responce by LIOB Water Rep on Issues Raised by Ratepayers.doc | |
Agenda Item and 10 Water issues follow up Sean Wilson.DOC | |
Agenda Item and 12 Draft Minutes of the June 5 LIOB meeting.doc | |
Agenda Item and 12 Final LIOB Minutes of 6-19-07.doc | |
Agenda Item and 12 LIOB-Jan2007Meeting Minutes_Final.doc | |
Agenda Item and 2 LaDonna Williams Bio 010307.doc | |
Agenda Item and 2 LIOB Member List Revised 1-3-07.doc | |
Agenda Item and 2 LIOB-Activities_List_ Final.doc | |
Agenda Item and 2 Updated Activities List - FINAL September 5.doc | |
Agenda Item and 3 Assembly Bill 1234 by Asebly Member Wolk.pdf | |
Agenda Item and 3 Assembly Bill 1234 by Assembly Member Wolk.pdf | |
Agenda Item and 3 LIOB-Legislation-SB324_ Summary_Final.doc | |
Agenda Item and 3 Recap of Events in the Low Income Program 2006 (2).doc | |
Agenda Item and 3 Recent and Upcoming CARE-LIEE Activities - Fi.doc | |
Agenda Item and 3 Recent and Upcoming CARE-LIEE Activities.doc | |
Agenda Item and 4 Legislation Summary.doc | |
Agenda Item and 4 one page LIS fact sheet.doc | |
Agenda Item and 4 Order Insituting Rulemaking on Low Income Energy Programs.DOC | |
Agenda Item and 4 Selection of Issues to be Addressed by the LIOB in 2009.doc | |
Agenda Item and 4 Upcoming Events in the Low Income Program-1-8-06.doc | |
Agenda Item and 5 LIOB-KEMA_Report_Schedule_031307.doc | |
Agenda Item and 5 Schedule of Activities-January 2009-sbs.doc | |
Agenda Item and 6 Responce by LIOB Water Rep on Issues Raised b.doc | |
Agenda Item and 6a Legislation Summary-LIOB-Jan 2009-sbs.doc | |
Agenda Item and 7 Approval of Draft Letter to Congress.doc | |
Agenda Item and 7 Charter of the LIOB-Draft Update.doc | |
Agenda Item and 7 Final Draft 1-23-08 Minutes.doc | |
Agenda Item and 7 SB580-Project_Overview_Utilities_031507.doc | |
Agenda Item and 8 KeriBolding_MEOpresentation.pdf | |
Agenda Item and 8 Legislative Summary.doc | |
Agenda Item and 8 LIOB Minutes of Sept 14 2006.doc | |
Agenda Item and 8 LIOB-Charter_Final.doc | |
Agenda Item and 9 Draft Minutes of the March 19 LIOB meeting.doc | |
Agenda Item and 9 GRID Alternatives SFLI Presentation - LIOB.pdf | |
Agenda Item and 9 LIOB-SB 3 by Senators Kehoe and Florez.pdf | |
Agenda June 11-2007.doc | |
Agenda LIEE Jun 12 2007.doc | |
Agenda LIOB 7-10-12.doc | |
Agenda March 27 2007.doc | |
Agenda May 17 200411.doc | |
Agenda Oct 1 2010 LI Public Meeting.doc | |
Agenda Oct 28 2010 LI Public Meeting.doc | |
Agenda of the 11-21-03 Meeting-chg.doc | |
Agenda of the February 26, 2014 LIOB Meeting rev 2-25-14 v1.doc | |
Agenda of the February 26, 2014 LIOB Meeting.doc | |
Agenda of the February 27, 2013 LIOB Meeting.doc | |
Agenda of the Joint IOU's Quarterly Public Meeting CARE and ESAP 9-15-11.doc | |
Agenda of the LIOB 8-20-14 Sacramento Rev1.doc | |
Agenda of the LIOB 8-20-14 Sacramento.doc | |
Agenda of the Marketing and Outreach Subcommittee Meeting.doc | |
Al2748.pdf | |
ALJ DeBerry Ruling Shortening the Time to Respond to Joint Motion 9-21-10.pdf | |
ALJ Duda's Ruling Requesting Comments on 2008 Self Generation Incentive Program Budget 10-26-07.pdf | |
ALJ Granting Permission to Delay 4th PUblic 2011 meeting and consolidate with 1st 2012 meeting 12-27-11.pdf | |
ALJ Kim Ruling Granting Further Extension of Time to File Annual Estimate of CARE Eligibility 12-2-09.pdf | |
ALJ Kim Ruling Seeking Comment on the Proposed Further Update Statewide LIEE Policy and Procedure Manual 12-16-09.pdf | |
ALJ Kim's PD Clarifying and Modifying D 08-11-031 Modified Three Measure Minimum Rule and Augmenting One-E- App 5-15-09.pdf | |
ALJ Kim's ruling granting extension of time to file annual estimate of CARE eligible customers 10-21-11.pdf | |
ALJ Kim's Ruling Granting Extension of Time to File Annual Estimate of CARE Eligible Customers and Related Information 10 1.pdf | |
ALJ Kim's Ruling Partially Delegating CARE Fund Expenditure Oversight 12-9-10.pdf | |
ALJ Kim's ruling re Pilot Proposals 11-9-11.pdf | |
ALJ Kim's ruling re Pilot Proposals Attachment1 11-9-11.pdf | |
ALJ Kim's ruling re Pilot Proposals Attachment2 11-9-11.pdf | |
ALJ Kim's Ruling Seeking Comment on the Draft LIEE P and P Manual 6-2-09.pdf | |
ALJ Kim's ruling setting tentative evidentiary hearing dates and proceeding sch 11-9-11.pdf | |
ALJ Malcolm Draft Decision Approving Augmentation to the 2006 LIEE Program Budget 7-10-06.pdf | |
ALJ Malcolm Interim Order Adopting Policies and Fudning for the CA Solar Initiative 11-15-05.pdf | |
ALJ Malcolm's Draft Opinion Granting Petitions to Modify D 06-12-038 to Delay Competitive Bid Process 5-8-07.pdf | |
ALJ Malcolm's PD Adopting Small Utility Budgets for Administration of LIEE and CARE Programs 11-14-06.pdf | |
ALJ Malcolm's PD Adopting Utility Budgets for Low Income Energy Efficiency Programs and California Alternate Rate for Ene 1.pdf | |
ALJ Malcolm's Ruling Addressing Renters Access to LIEE Programs AB 2104 5-22-07.pdf | |
ALJ Malcolm's Ruling Finding Greelining, World Institute, TURN, Disability Rights and LIF eligble to Claim Compensation 5 1.pdf | |
ALJ Malcolm's Ruling on Notice of Intent to Claim Compensation by A WISH 5-14-07.pdf | |
ALJ Malcolm's Ruling Scheduling Workshop 2-7-08.pdf | |
ALJ Malcolm's Ruling Seeking Comments on Issues Raised in the KEMA report and on NGAT Issues 9-27-07.pdf | |
ALJ Malcolm's Ruling Seeking Responses to Questions on Furnace Programs and NGAT 9-14-07.pdf | |
ALJ Malcolm's Ruling Shortening the Time to Respond to Petition to Modify D06-12-038 4-11-07.pdf | |
ALJ Ruling granting in part SDGE motion to shift funds 11-21-11.pdf | |
ALJ Ruling Granting SDGE authority to shift unspent funds Attachment 12-30-11.pdf | |
ALJ Ruling Granting SDGE authority to shift unspent funds from programmable communicating thermostat pilot to the in-home 1.pdf | |
ALJ Ruling Noticing Issuance of CEC Solar Incentive Guidelines 1-15-08.pdf | |
ALJ Ruling Seeking Further Information on IOUs 09-11 LIEE-CARE Applications 6-17-08.pdf | |
ALJ Scoping Memo and Ruling Consolidating Proceedings 7-16-08.pdf | |
ALJ Thomas 3rd Ruling Seeking Further Info on Large IOU's 2009-2011 LIEE-CARE App 7-16-08.pdf | |
ALJ Thomas Attach ment A to PD on Large IOUs 09-11 LIEE and CARE Applications.pdf | |
ALJ Thomas Data Request to SMJU's Attachment dated 12-22-04.pdf | |
ALJ Thomas Notice or PreHearing Conference on June 24, 2008.pdf | |
ALJ Thomas PD on Large IOUs 09-11 LIEE and CARE Applications 9-16-08.pdf | |
ALJ Thomas Proposed Decision on SMJU 09-11 LIEE and CARE Applications 10-31-08.pdf | |
ALJ Thomas Ruling re Revisions to LIEE Program Appendix A.pdf | |
ALJ Thomas Second Ruling Seeking Further Inf on Large IOUs 2009-2011 LIEE and CARE App 6-25-08.pdf | |
ALJ Weissman Draft Decision Denying the Petition of SCE for Modification of D 05-10-044 1-17-06.pdf | |
ALJ Weissman Ruling Consolodating Dockets and Setting a Tentative Schedule 7-24--06.pdf | |
ALJ's Duda On Notice of Intent to Claim Compensation by a World Institute for a Sustainable Humanity 5-14-07.pdf | |
ALJ's Ruling Consolidating Related Proceeding and Setting a Joint Rephearing Conference 7-21-11.pdf | |
ALK Kim's Ruling Providing Interim Direction Re Expenditure of LIEE ME and O Budgets for 2010 8-28-09.pdf | |
ALK Kim's Ruling Seeking Comment on the ED Draft Whole Neighborhood Approach 6-2-09.pdf | |
Alpine Natural Gas' 2006 Annual Low-Income Report with attachments 6-18-07.pdf | |
Alpine Natural Gas Low Income Programs Progress Report PY2009.pdf | |
Alpine's Application Low Income Energy Efficiency Plan and CARE for Energy Program Budget 6-1-06.pdf | |
Amended Comments of the Greenlining Institute on the Issues Raised in the KEMA Report 10-26-07.pdf | |
Amendment to the Application of Sierra Pacific Power Co for Approval of LI Assistance Programs and Budgets for PY 2009-20 1.pdf | |
AppenAForm.PDF | |
Appendix A to the CA EE Strategic Plan 2-8-08.pdf | |
Appendix D - Airflow _7-15-05 draft_.pdf | |
Appendix to ALJ's Malcolm PD Adopting Small Utility Budgets Admin for LIEE and CARE.pdf | |
Appendix to ALJ's Malcolm PD Adopting Utility Budgets for LIEE Programs and CARE 11-14-06.pdf | |
AppendixA.PDF | |
Application of Golden State Water Co for Approval of LI Assistance Programs and Budgets for Bear Valley Electric Service 1.pdf | |
Application of Goldetn State Water Co Re the Review of the 07-08 LI Assistance Program Budget for Bear Valley Electric Se 1.pdf | |
Application of Pacific Corp for PY 2007-2008 Funding for its LI Assistance Programs 6-1-06.pdf | |
Application of PacificCorp's for Approval of LI Assistance Programs and Budgets for PY 2009-2011 7-1-08.pdf | |
Application of SCE for Approval 2007-2008 Budget 7-3-06.pdf | |
Application of SCG for Approval of PY 07-08 LI Assistance Programs and Funding 6-30-06.pdf | |
Application of SDG and E for Approval of PY 07-08 LI Assistance Programs and Funding 6-30-06.pdf | |
Application of Sierra Pacific Power Co for Approval of LI Assistance Programs and Budgets for PY 2009-2011 7-1-08.pdf | |
Application of SWGas Corp for Approval for Approval of PY 2007-2008 LI Assistance Program Budget 6-1-06.pdf | |
Application of WCG for approval of LI Assistance Program Budgets FY 2009-2011 7-11-08.pdf | |
ASSIGN 1 (2).PDF | |
ASSIGN 2 (2).PDF | |
Assigned Commissioner and ALJ's Joint Amended Scoping Memo and Ruling 1-26-12.pdf | |
Assigned Commissioner and Assigned ALJ Judges' Joint Update Scoping Memo and Ruling 1-20-10.pdf | |
Atchmnt A to Ruling dated 2-7-08.pdf | |
Attach1.PDF | |
Attachment A customer and structural eligibility 8-11-05.pdf | |
Attachment A to ACR Providing Guidance Concerning th eCARE and Energy Savings Assistance Program and Related 2012-2014 Bu 1.pdf | |
Attachment A to ALJ Ruling Seeking Further Information from IOUs.pdf | |
Attachment A to PD of Commission Grueneich Adopting the CA Long Term EE Strategic Plan 8-19-08.pdf | |
Attachment to ACR and ALJ Ruling re Initial Schedule on Strategic Plan 7-14-08.pdf | |
Attachment to ACR Approving the Proposals Contained in the November 1, 2005 Report on the Standardization Team 3-29-06.pdf | |
Attachment to Commissioner's Grueneich's ACR Approving Proposed Amendments for Phase 5.pdf | |
Attachments to ALJ Malcolm's Ruling Seeking Comments on Issues Raised in the KEMA report and on NGAT Issues.pdf | |
Avista 2004 Low Income Progress Report 4-29-05.pdf | |
Avista PY 2005 CARE and LIEE Program Budget 7-1-04.pdf | |
Avista Rep. Req.CARE LIEE for 5-1-03 thru 12-31-03 dated 7-30-04.pdf | |
Avista's Response to ALJ's Ruiling re to the SMJU's LIEE and CARE 1-7-05.pdf | |
Avista's Revised Low Income Assistance Programs 2004 Annual Progress Report 5-12-05.pdf | |
Avista's Revised Title Page 1-12-05.pdf | |
Background Wkrshp 4 Whole Building Case Study.pdf | |
Background Wrkshp 4 HeatDHW 5 Case Studies.pdf | |
Background Wrkshp 4 MA Utility Funded LIMERP.pdf | |
Background Wrkshp 4 NHT Utilities Advocacy Overview Fact Sheet.pdf | |
Background Wrkshp 4 Other State MF rental EE Programs.pdf | |
Background Wrkshp 4 Whole Building Case Studies Summary.pdf | |
bagleykeene and 4.pdf | |
bagleykeene_meetingact 1-14-13.pdf | |
Bear Valley Electric 2006 Annual Low Income Progress Report 5-1-07.pdf | |
Bear Valley Electric Service CARE Annual Report for 2005 6-30-06.pdf | |
Bear Valley Electric Service Comments on AB 2104 and Renter Access to LIEE Program 6-8-07.pdf | |
Bear Valley Low Income Programs Progress Report PY2010.pdf | |
BidForm.PDF | |
Bill Savings Workshop Attachment E.pdf | |
Bob Burt's Comments.pdf | |
BVES 2007 Annual Low Income Mid-Year Report 8-1-07.pdf | |
BVES CARE Annual Report _for 2007_.pdf | |
BVES CARE Annual Report Cover Letter.pdf | |
BVES CARE-LIEE Annual Report for 2008.pdf | |
BVES CARE-LIEE Annual Report for 2009 5-3-10.pdf | |
CA Conventional Home Weatherization Installation Standards Part 1 9-20-05.pdf | |
CA Conventional Home Weatherization Installation Standards Part 2 9-15-05.pdf | |
CA Conventional Home WIS Manual 4 of 4.pdf | |
CA Emerging Technology Fund Background materials.pdf | |
CA Energy Efficiency Stragegic Plan (Draft) 2-8-08.pdf | |
CA Energy Efficiency Stratetic Plan Supplemental Draft 3-6-08.pdf | |
CA Long Term Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan 7-14-08.pdf | |
CA Mobile Home Weatherization Installation Standards Part 1 9-20-05.pdf | |
CA Mobile Home Weatherization Installation Standards Part 2 9-20-05.pdf | |
CAL Solar Energy Industries Ass Comments on the CA Solar Initiative 1-3-06.pdf | |
CARE and ESA Program Categorical Eligibility Study - Joint IOU Advice Letters 1-31-13.pdf | |
Carmen Rudshagen SCG Testimony-5.16.11.pdf | |
CEC IAP-GE Report CPUC draft comments 5-16-07c.pdf | |
Chief ALJ Ruling ReOpening and Reassigning the Proceeding to Provide Further Direction to the SMJU re ME and O FY 2010-2011.pdf | |
City and Count of SF Reply Comments on the CA Solar Initiative 1-9-06.pdf | |
Climate change vulnerability report_ASTHO.pdf | |
Comments of ACCES on the PD of ALJ Malcolm Adopting 07-08 Budgest for LIEE 12-4-06.pdf | |
Comments of ACCES on the Team's Proposed Revisions to the LIEE Manual 3-16-06.pdf | |
Comments of Disability Right Advocates on LIEE Program Objectives and Goals 4-27-07.pdf | |
Comments of Disability Rights Advocate on ALJ Weissman's Draft Decision 12-5-05.pdf | |
Comments of DRA on LIEE Program Objectives and Goals 4-27-07.pdf | |
Comments of DRA on LIEE Program Renter Access Issues and AB 2104 6-4-07.pdf | |
Comments of DRA on the PD of ALJ Malcolm 12-4-06.pdf | |
Comments of Greelining on Application of SCE Change the Light 5-29-07.pdf | |
Comments of Greenlining on Issues Raised in the KEMA report 10-26-07.pdf | |
Comments of Pacificorp in Response to ALJ Ruling Addressing Renter Acess to LIEE, AB 2104 6-1-07.pdf | |
Comments of PG and E on LIEE Program Objectives and Goals 4-27-07.pdf | |
Comments of PG and E on LIEE Program Renter Access Issues and AB 2104 6-4-07.pdf | |
Comments of PG and E on the DD Approving 06-07 LI Programs and Funding 12-5-05.pdf | |
Comments of PG and E on the PD of ALJ Malcolm Adopting 07-08 Budgets for LIEE 12-4-06.pdf | |
Comments of PG and E to Draft Resolution G-3383 11-21-05.pdf | |
Comments of PGE on Draft Decision of ALJ Weissman 10-26-05.pdf | |
Comments of QCS on the PD of ALJ Malcolm 12-4-06.pdf | |
Comments of SCE on the DD Approving 06-07 LI Programs and Fudning 12-5-05.pdf | |
Comments of SCE on the PD of ALJ Malcolm Adopting 07-08 Budgets for LIEE 12-4-06.pdf | |
Comments of SCE Re AB 2104 Imp 6-1-07.pdf | |
Comments of SCE to the Draft Opinion Denying the Petition of SCE 1-6-06.pdf | |
Comments of SCE to the Draft Opinion Denying the Petition of SCE 2-6-06.pdf | |
Comments of SDG and E and SCG on the DD Approving 06-07 LI Programs and Funding 12-5-05.pdf | |
Comments of SDG and E and SCG on the PD of ALJ Malcolm Adopting 07-08 Budgets for LIEE Programs 12-4-06.pdf | |
Comments of SDG and E and SCG to Draft Resolution G-3383 11-21-05.pdf | |
Comments of SWGas on May 22 ALJ Ruling 5-31-07.pdf | |
Comments of TURN on LIEE Program Objectives and Goals 4-27-07.pdf | |
Commissioner Grueneich and ALJ Malcolm PD Providing Direction for LIEE Policy Objective, Goals, Strategic Planning and th 1.pdf | |
Commissioner Grueneich N ALJ Malcolm Assigned Commissioner's Scoping Memo and Ruling Rescheduling dates for filing commen 1.pdf | |
Commissioner Grueneich's ACR Inviting Applications for Appointment to the LIOB 6-4-07.pdf | |
Commissioner Grueneich's and ALJ Malcolm Attachment D to Final Decision 07-12-051.pdf | |
Commissioner Grueneich's and ALJ Malcolm Final Decision 07-12-051 Issued 12-24-07.pdf | |
Commissioner Grueneich's Interim Opinion on Issues Relating to Future Savings Goals and Program Planning for 2009-2011 EE 1.pdf | |
Commissioner Grueneich's Interim Opinion on Phase 1 Issues Shareholder RiskReward Incentive Mechanism for EE Programs 9-2 1.pdf | |
Commissioner Grueneich's Interim Order on Issues Relating to Future Savings Goals and Program Planning for 2009-2011 EE a 1.pdf | |
Commissioner Grueneich's Notice of Public Meeting for the WE and T.pdf | |
Commissioner Grueneich's PD Granting Petition to Modify Decision 10-07-048 and Approving Settlement Agreement 11-15-10.pdf | |
Commissioner Grueneich's PD Granting Petition to Modify Decision 10-07-048 and Approving Settlement Agreement Appendix A 1.pdf | |
Commissioner Grueneich's Ruling Correcting 6-4-07 Requesting Appl for Appointment to the LIOB 6-11-07.pdf | |
Commissioner Grueneich's Ruling Inviting Applications for Appointment to the LIOB 10-15-07.pdf | |
Commissioner Grueneich's Ruling Ordering IOUs to Comply with Prior Commission Directives 6-13-08.pdf | |
Commissioner Grueneich's Scoping Ruling on the LIEE Programs of CA Energy Utilities 3-28-07.pdf | |
Commissioner Peevey's D07-11-045 Establishing Single-Family Low-Income Incentive Progam Within the CSI 11-19-07.pdf | |
Commissioner Peevey's PD Modifying D 06-08-028 Re Metering Accuracy and Monitoring Requirements 6-26-07.pdf | |
Commissioner Peevey's PD Stablishing Single-Family Low-Income Incentive Program within the CSI 10-17-07.pdf | |
Commissioner SimonÂ’s Ruling Re Inviting Applications for Appointment to the Low Income Oversight Board.pdf | |
ConsumerProgramsBrochure_v12.pdf | |
Conv WIS Revisions _10-6-05.pdf | |
Conventional Home WIS Manual 4 of 4.pdf | |
Cooler.PDF | |
Corrected ACCES comments on the Joint Petition of PG and E and SDG and E to Modify D06-12-038 4-18-07.pdf | |
Corrected Cover Letter of the AB 1002 Report 12-19-03.pdf | |
Corrected Cover Letter of the AB 1002 Report.pdf | |
Cover Letter on the Report of the Assessment of Proposed New Year 2006 LIEE Program Measures 5-2-05.pdf | |
CPUC California Solar Initiative Handbook 0907 NO Track Changes.pdf | |
CPUC Granting a Shortened Protest Period for PG and E's AL 2795-E-A 3-14-06.pdf | |
cpucheader.jpg | |
CSI CPUC Staff Progress Report April 2008.pdf | |
CSI Handbook Update Feb 19 08.pdf | |
CWA Legislative Report 07 09 14.pdf | |
D 0311020 Attachments 2-7.pdf | |
D 10-12-051 Appendix A 12-27-10.pdf | |
D 10-12-051 Decision Granting Petition to Modify Decision 10-07-048 and Approving Settlement Agreement 12-27-10.pdf | |
D 13-02-002 Denying Petition of SCE to Modify Decision 12-08-044 02-13-13.pdf | |
D0604001 Order Correcting Error in Decision 05-12-026 4-4-06.pdf | |
D0604011 Response to the Petition for Modification of D 0507014 Filed by Golden State Water Co 4-14-06.pdf | |
D0612036 Appendix of Order Adopting Small Utility Budgets for Admin LIEE and CARE Programs 12-15-06.pdf | |
D0612036 Order Adopting Small Utility Budgets for Admin of LIEE and CARE Programs 12-15-06.pdf | |
D0612038 Appendix of Order Adopting Utility Budgets for LIEE and CARE Programs 12-15-06.pdf | |
D0612038 Order Adopting Utility Budgets for LIEE and CARE Programs 12-15-06.pdf | |
D08-11-031 Attachments A-O.pdf | |
D0926026 ALJ Kim's Decision Clarifying and Modifying Decision 08-11-031 Three Measure Rule and and Augmenting One-E-App 6 1.pdf | |
D1007048 Attachment A 7-30-10.pdf | |
D1007048 Interim Decision Implementing Methods to Decrease the Number of Gas and Electric Service Disconnections 7-30-10.pdf | |
D1105020 Adopting Guidelines for Sharing of Low Income Customer Information 5-10-11.pdf | |
D11-11-010 Adopting Bridge Funding to 6-30-12 for IOU's ESA and CARE Programs.pdf | |
D12-02-026 Order Closing Proceeding A 08-05-022 2-27-12.pdf | |
Decision 05-12-026 Opinion Approving 2006-2007 LI Programs and Funding for the Larger Energy Utilities and Approving New 1.pdf | |
Decision 06-02-014 Opinion Denying the Petition of the SCE Company for Modification of D05-10-044 2-16-05.pdf | |
Decision 08-06-029 Granting in Part and Otherwise Denying Petition for Modification of D 06-01-024 Re Solar Water Heating 1.pdf | |
Decision 08-11-031 Large IOUs 2009-2011 LIEE and CARE Applications.pdf | |
Decision 08-12-019 SMJU 2009-2011 LIEE and CARE Applications 12-8-08.pdf | |
Decision 10-10-008 Decision Granting, in Part, Petition of Southern CA Edision to Modify Decision 08-11-031 dated 10-20-10.pdf | |
delia Meraz SCG Testimony-5.16.11.pdf | |
directry.pdf | |
Disability Rights Advocate Exhibit _4_CommentsonPD.pdf | |
Disability Rights Advocates Comments on ALJ Malcolm Draft Dec Approving 06 Budget Augmentation 7-28-06.pdf | |
Disability Rights Advocates Comments on Proposal for Reducing Bill Impact.pdf | |
Disability Rights Advocates Proposal for Changes to the MedBaseline 10-11-05.pdf | |
Disability Rights Advocates Reply Comments on Proposals to Mitigate the Impact of Price Increases this Winter 10-19-05.pdf | |
DRA Comments to the application of Southwest Gas for approval of its 07-08 LIAP Budget 7-6-06.pdf | |
DRA Comments to the OIR 2-27-07.pdf | |
DRA Ex Parte Responses to QA May 16, 2013 LIOB All Party.pdf | |
DRA Request for Compensation 1-5-06.pdf | |
DRA Resp to Sierra's Appl for approval of its 07-08 LIEA Programs 7-14-06.pdf | |
DRA Response to ALJ Ruling of June 25 ,2008 Seeking Further Info 7-7-08.pdf | |
DRA Response to Large Utility 07-08 LI Budge and Program App 8-1-06.pdf | |
DRA Response to PacificCorp's App for approval of PY 07-08 LIEE 7-6-06.pdf | |
DRA Response to SWG Appl for approval of 07-08 LIAP Budget filed 7-6-06 dated 7-10-06.pdf | |
DRA Status of Energy Utility Service Disconnections in California March 2011.pdf | |
DRA TURN Joint Protest for SCE'sCFL Program 6-13-07.pdf | |
Draft Impact Eval_2001.pdf | |
Draft Meeting Minutes of the 10-28-14 LIOB meeting - Fresno_v2.pdf | |
Draft Meeting Minutes of the 5-16-13 LIOB Final.pdf | |
Draft Minutes 8-21-13 v3_syg 1.pdf | |
Edison's Reply Comments on the CA Solar Initiative 1-9-06.pdf | |
Energy Demands on Water Resources US DOE Report.pdf | |
Energy Innovations Comments on the CA Solar Initiative PD 1-3-06.pdf | |
Errata testimony of SCE in support of Application for Approval of Low Income Assistance Program and Budgets FY 2009-2011 1.pdf | |
Errata to PG and E's Prepared Testimony Accompanying LIEE and CARE for Energ Costs Recovery Proposals 9-2-05.pdf | |
ESA_P Contract Ann 27483 .pdf | |
ESAP alternative ref eligibility Criteria Memo 12-2-11.pdf | |
Exhibit A Partial Settlement Agreement and Attachments - Water Subcommittee 8-12-14.pdf | |
Fact Sheet-Emergency Regulations Urban Water Conservation.pdf | |
Final 2003 Bill Savings Report dated April 9, 2004.pdf | |
FINAL Agenda March 20 2012 LI Quarterly Meeting.pdf | |
Final Handbook of the CA Solar Initiative dated 4-12-07.pdf | |
Gillian Wright SCG Testimony-5.16.11.pdf | |
Golden State Water Company 2006 CARE Mid Year Report January - June 2006 8-1-06.pdf | |
GRC2003-Ph-II_Plea_PGE_20040617Atch01.pdf | |
Greenlining Ex Parte Notice.A.11-05-017 - A.11-05-020[1].pdf | |
Greenlining Opening Comments Supporting the Commission's LIEE Goals 4-27-07.pdf | |
Ground Rules for CARE ESAP All-Party.pdf | |
Ground Rules for RROIR All-Party.pdf | |
Hardware Inventory - Raghav.xlsx | |
How much to raise a family in California - A Publication of the CA Budget Project.pdf | |
Impact Evaluation of the 2002 CA LIEE Program Final Report 3-22-05.pdf | |
Impact Evaluation of the 2002 CA LIEE Program Final Report 6-17-05.pdf | |
Impact Evaluation of the 2002 CA LIEE Program Final Report 7-6-05.pdf | |
Impact Evaluation of the 2002 CARE LIEE Program Draft Final Report 4-25-05.pdf | |
Impact Evaluation of the 2005 California Low Income Energy Efficiency 8-4-07.pdf | |
Initial Comments of CURRENT Group on Procedural Issues in OIR to Develop the Commission's EESP 7-17-08.pdf | |
Initial Comments of DRA on Procedural Issues in OIR to Develop the Commission's EESP 7-17-08.pdf | |
Initial Comments of PG and E on Procedural Issues in OIR to Develop the Commission's EESP 7-17-08.pdf | |
Initial Comments of SCE on Procedural Issues in OIR to Develop the Commission's EESP 7-17-08.pdf | |
InspecCriteria.PDF | |
Inspection.PDF | |
Installation.PDF | |
Item 10. High Energy Audits.pdf | |
Item 10. Water Utilities' Current Issues.pdf | |
Item 10. Water Utilities' Issues LIOB Meeting August 21 2013 v1.pdf | |
Item 10.b ii Joint Presentation on ESA Program Lead-Safe Weatherization.pdf | |
Item 10a. Update on Census Data Track - Stephen St. Marie.pdf | |
Item 11. Disconnection OIR - Office of Ratepayer Advocates.pdf | |
Item 11a. ICF Letter-Report Pursuant to 2-27 LIOB Meeting Request.pdf | |
Item 11c. SDGE Marketing and Outreach Efforts Rev.pdf | |
Item 3. Draft Meeting Minutes of the August 19th 2015 LIOB Meeting zca syg.pdf | |
Item 3b. Terra Green Community Development Corp.pdf | |
Item 4. Draft Meeting Minutes of the 10-28-14 LIOB meeting - Fresno_v2.pdf | |
Item 4. Draft Meeting Minutes of the 5-16-13 LIOB Final.pdf | |
Item 4. Final Draft Meeting Minutes of the 10-29-15 LIOB Meeting.pdf | |
Item 4. Final Draft Minutes 11-6-13_syg hcf zca.pdf | |
Item 4. Final Draft Minutes of the 8-20-14 LIOB meeting.pdf | |
Item 5. California LifeLine Presentation LIOB October 2014.pdf | |
Item 5. Legislative Update.pdf | |
Item 5. PG and E ESA CARE 2-19-2015 All Party Meeting.pdf | |
Item 5. SCE ESA CARE 2-19-2015 All Party Meeting.pdf | |
Item 5. SDGE Final Feb 19 ESA-CARE All Party Meeting Presentation.pdf | |
Item 5. SoCalGas_LIOB Presentation_02192015_final.pdf | |
Item 5. Summary of Low Income Related Bills - Office of Governmental Affairs.pdf | |
Item 6. CSD-IOU's-CPUC Draft Pilots Templates.pdf | |
Item 6. Rate Reform Briefing 2.26.14.pdf | |
Item 6. Water Utilities Current Issues.pdf | |
Item 7. Legislative Update.pdf | |
Item 7. Water Utilities' Current Issues.pdf | |
Item 8. California LifeLine Presentation LIOB February 2015.pdf | |
Item 8. Opower LIOB July 10, 2012 - Full Presentation.pdf | |
Item 8. Opower LIOB July 10, 2012 - two pager.pdf | |
Item 9. Residential Rate Design R1206013_RROIR_presentation_APM_2-19-15.pdf | |
Joint ACR and ALJ Post Order to show cause hearing ruling 2-16-12.pdf | |
Joint ACR and ALJ Ruling Concering Clarification of D08-11-030 3 Measure Min Rule and Budget Augmentation for One-E- App 1.pdf | |
Joint Comments of SDG and E and SCG on ALJ Malcolms Draft Decision 7-28-06.pdf | |
Joint Comments of SDG and E and SCG on Draft Decison 10-26-05.pdf | |
Joint Comments of SDG and E and SCG on the PD Granting Petitions of Modify D 06-12-038 5-29-07.pdf | |
Joint Comments of SDG and E and SCG re issues on KEMA report and NGAT 10-26-07.pdf | |
Joint Motion of ACCES and A WISH to Consolidate and Extend the Periods for Comment on NGAT 9-28-07.pdf | |
Joint Motion of PG and E and SDG and E to expedite Petition to Modify 4-11-07.pdf | |
Joint Utilities and Rebecca Eaton Ex Parte Communication at the 5-16-13 LIOB meeting Attch 1.pdf | |
Joint Utilities and Rebecca Eaton Ex Parte Communication at the 5-16-13 LIOB meeting Attch 2.pdf | |
Joint Utilities and Rebecca Eaton Ex Parte Communication at the 5-16-13 LIOB meeting.pdf | |
Joint Utilities' Annual LIEE CARE FERA Charts and Qtrly Charts for 4th Qtr 2007.pdf | |
Joint Utility Response to ALJ Ruling Re AB 868 dated 12-1-04.pdf | |
June 8, 2006 Low-Income Energy Efficiency Symposium.pdf | |
KEMA Draft Report on Phase 2 Low Income Needs Assessment 9-6-06.pdf | |
KEMA's Phase II Low Income Needs Assessment Vol 1 Final Report 10-12-07.pdf | |
KEMA's Phase II Low Income Needs Assessment Vol 2 Appendices 10-12-07.pdf | |
KeyTerms.PDF | |
LA County Public Housing Statement 6-19-07.pdf | |
Lamp.PDF | |
LATTC WET FINAL Report 050611.pdf | |
Letter from Bill Parker To Commissioner Wood 8-21-02 Attachment to BAPRC-ACCES Filing.pdf | |
Letter from Bill Parker To Commissioner Wood 8-21-02.pdf | |
Letter from Communty Action Commission of Santa Barbara re Competitive Bidding.pdf | |
Letter from PUC re PG and E's 2675-G short protest 11-4-05.pdf | |
Letter from the Joint Utilities to Steve Larson Requesting for Additional Extension to file the Annual Estimate of CARE-E 1.pdf | |
Letter of Commissioner Grueneich on Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan 7-15-08.pdf | |
Letter to PG and E from Steve Larson re shortened protest period-2664-G_2720-E.pdf | |
LI Assistance Program Budget App FY 2012-2014.pdf | |
LI PY2012-2014 PGE Testimony.pdf | |
LIAP-Joint Utilities Report for May 1 2009_LIEE CARE COVER LETTER.pdf | |
LIEE Effect of Expanding Program Year Eligibility 041511.pdf | |
LIEE Impact Eval Report 061611.pdf | |
LIEE Impact Evaluation Presentation 3-28-11.pdf | |
LIEE Non-Energy Benefits Revised Report.pdf | |
LIEE Process Evaluation Presentation 3-28-11.pdf | |
LIEE Standardization Project Phase I May 8, 2000.pdf | |
LIEE Standardization Project Proposed Amendment to the Phase 5 Work Plan, Budget and Schedule 4-25-05.pdf | |
LIEE Standardization Project Team Request for Phase 5 Workplan Extension 10-6-04.pdf | |
LIEE Standardization Project Team Requesting Augmentation of the LIEE Standardization Team Technical Support Budget 10-11 1.pdf | |
LIEE Standardization Project Team Requests An Extension to Submit Manual Revisions and Update Manuals.pdf | |
LIEE_Process_Evaluation_Final_Report_061011.pdf | |
LIEE_Report.pdf | |
LIEEPY05FinalReport1-10-08.pdf | |
LifeLine Customer Feedback Questions.pdf | |
LIOB Agenda Packet 10-29-15 v1.pdf | |
LIOB Agenda Packet 5-22-14 published.pdf | |
LIOB Agenda Packet 5-28-15 published.pdf | |
LIOB Agenda Packet 8-20-14 - Publishing.pdf | |
LIOB Meeting Packet 10-29-15 v1.pdf | |
LIOB Meeting Packet 2-19-15 - San Francisco To Post Rev.pdf | |
LIOB Meeting Packet 2-19-15 - San Francisco To Post.pdf | |
LIOB Packet 2-26-14.pdf | |
LIOB Water and Climate Change Subcommittee Agenda 2019-12-02 - FINAL.docx | |
Low Income Manual 3 of 4.pdf | |
Low Income Needs Assessment Study dated 12-16-13.pdf | |
Ltr to ALJ Weissman from ACCES re Actions by SCG disregarding the ACR of March 25 7-28-05.pdf | |
Map of San Diego Facilities - Official Version (3).pdf | |
Measures for Inclusion in the LIEE Program FY 2006.pdf | |
MiscRevFund.pdf | |
MITI - EJ and NCPM Martinich 2011.pdf | |
Mobile Appendix B-Airflow (7-18-05).pdf | |
NEBs 5-25-10 Workshop Presentation.pdf | |
Needs Assessment-Final Report-Sept-2007.pdf | |
Non Energy Benefits Study - SERA Inc 2010.pdf | |
Notice 2012-03-20 Ontario LI Public Quarterly Meeting.pdf | |
Notice of Assignment R08-07-011 Assigned to Commissioner Grueneich and ALJ David M Gamson 7-14-08.pdf | |
Notice of Intent to Claim Compensation by Disability Rights Advocates 10-7-05.pdf | |
Notice of Intent to Initiate a Process to Consider New Measures for Inclusion in the Utility LIEE Effective PY 2006.pdf | |
Notice of Reassignment from ALJ Sarah Thomas to ALK Kimberly H Kim 12-19-08.pdf | |
Notice of Reassignment to ALJ Sarah Thomas 4-7-08.pdf | |
Oct26Recs101900.pdf | |
OIR - Regarding Policies, Procedures and Rules for the LIEE Programs 1-31-07.pdf | |
One-E-App Post Go-Live Report Final Draft 031510.pdf | |
Opinion Adopting Self Generation Incentive for 08.pdf | |
Opinion Modifying D06-08-028 2-1-08.pdf | |
Order Addressing Net Energy Metering Feb 15 08.pdf | |
Order Instituting Rulemaking to Develop the Commission's Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan 7-14-08.pdf | |
Overview of Types of Recommended Program Changes.pdf | |
PacifCorp's Response to ALJ's Ruling Releasing ED Report on SMJU's for 05 LI Programs 5-20-05.pdf | |
Pacific Corp Annual Low-Income Mid-Year Repor 8-11-05-2005 ltr.pdf | |
Pacific Corp Annual Low-Income Mid-Year Report 8-1-06.pdf | |
Pacific Corp CARE 2009 Annual Progress Rpt 5-3-10.pdf | |
Pacific Corp Report Jan-June2005 8-11-05.pdf | |
Pacific Corp's CARE and CARE Expanded Program for Group Living Facilities Report 5-1-06.pdf | |
Pacific Power CARE Progress Report PY2010.pdf | |
Pacific Power Low-Income Mid-Year Rpt 8-1-07.pdf | |
PacificCorp's 2006 Annual Low Income Progress Report 5-1-07.pdf | |
PacificCorp's amendment application 1-10-05.pdf | |
PacificCorp's Response to ALJ's Ruling re the SMJU's LIEE and CARE 1-10-05.pdf | |
Packet 1 8-21-13 v3 Web.pdf | |
Packet 11-6-13 v2.pdf | |
Parking Instructions.pdf | |
PD by ALJ Kim Providing Guidance to SMJU's Expenditure of 2010-2011 LIEE ME and O 5-4-10.pdf | |
PD DWR 2008 Appendix A.pdf | |
PD of ALJ Kim Adopting Bridge Funding to June 30 2012 for IOUs ESAP and CARE Energy Programs.pdf | |
PD of ALJ Kim Closing A0805022 1-17-12.pdf | |
PD of Commissioner Peevey Opinion Establishing a Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment Plan for hte CA Sola 1.pdf | |
PD on Balanced Rates OIR.pdf | |
Peggy Brown letter re LIEE STandardization Project Team for Phase 5 Workplan 10-6-04.pdf | |
Peter Hoffman's Comments.pdf | |
Petition of Golden State Water Company to Modify D05-07-014 12-30-05.pdf | |
Petition of SDG and E, SCG, DRA, Greelining, TURN, Disability Rights Advocates and TNLC ti modify D10-07-048 9-9-10.pdf | |
PFMSP Workshop Attachment E.pdf | |
PG and E 2005-2006 Winter Initiative Final Report 6-30-06.pdf | |
PG and E 2006 Low Income Energy Efficiency Programs Annual Report 5-1-07.pdf | |
PG and E 2009 FERA Annual Report 5-3-10.pdf | |
PG and E 2643-G-A_2677-E-A 10-3-05.pdf | |
PG and E 2671-G-A Supplemental Filing 2006 Natural Gas Public Purpose Program Surcharges 12-22-05.pdf | |
PG and E 2673-G_2732-E_Withdrawal 2-17-06.pdf | |
PG and E 2753-G Request for Expedited Implementation of PG and E's Natural Gas 06-07 Winter Gas Savings 8-9-06.pdf | |
PG and E 2795-E Electric Rate Chagnes for Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment 3-1-06.pdf | |
PG and E 2795-E Electric Rate Changes for Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment 3-1-06.pdf | |
PG and E 2843-E Revisions to Schedule NEM to Provide Customers with Clarity on Administration of the Cap 6-15-06.pdf | |
PG and E 2855-G_3093-E Revise the LIEEMA 7-27-07.pdf | |
PG and E 5th Response to ALJ Data Request 9-5-08.pdf | |
PG and E Advice 2440-G-C- Establishing New Public Purpose Program Surchage Gas Accounts Pursuant to D 04-08-010 8-24-05.pdf | |
PG and E AL 2643-G 2677-E 6-17-05.pdf | |
PG and E AL 2643-G-A_2677-E-A 10-3-05.pdf | |
PG and E AL 2664-G-A_2720-E-A Supplement 2005-06 Winter Care and Relief Program 10-11-05.pdf | |
PG and E AL 2675-G Request for Expedited Implementation of Natural Gas Winter Gs Savings 11-3-05.pdf | |
PG and E AL 2675-G-A Supplemental Filing Per Resolution G-3384 12-8-05.pdf | |
PG and E CARE Program Annual Report 5-1-07.pdf | |
PG and E Comments on CA Solar Initiative PD 1-3-06.pdf | |
PG and E Comments on Draf Res E-3992 5-8-06.pdf | |
PG and E Comments on KEMA's Report 10-26-07.pdf | |
PG and E Comments on PD Delaying LIEE RFP PTM D06-12-038 5-21-07.pdf | |
PG and E Comments to the OIR 2-27-07.pdf | |
PG and E Cover Pleading and LIEE-CARE Annual Report 5-3-10.pdf | |
PG and E Follow up Monthly Report on Winter Initiative Required by OP 19 of D 05-10-044 6-7-06.pdf | |
PG and E Implementation of 2005-206 Winter Care and Relief Program 2664-G_2720-E 10-7-05.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Monthly Report for January 08.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report April 2008.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report December 2008.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report Feb 2008.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for April 2009.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for April 2010.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for August 2007.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for August 2008.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for August 2009.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for August 2010.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for December 2009.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for December 2010.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for February 2009.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for February 2010.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for January 2009.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for January 2010.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for July 2009.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for July 2010.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for June 2009.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for June 2010.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for March 2009.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for March 2010.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for May 2009.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for May 2010.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for November 2009.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for November 2010.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for October 2009.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for October 2010.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for September 2009 Rev.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for September 2009.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report for September 2010.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report July 2008.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report June 2008.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report March 2008.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report May 2008.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report November 2008.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report October 2008.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Program Report September 2008.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for April 2007.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for December 2007.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for February 2007.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for January 2007.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for July 2007.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for June 2007.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for March 2007.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for May 2007.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for November 2007.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for October 2007.pdf | |
PG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for September 2007.pdf | |
PG and E LIEE Annual Report for 2008.pdf | |
PG and E LIEE Program Annual ReportFINALpm 5-1-08.pdf | |
PG and E LIEE PY2006 Budget Augmentation App 4-14-06.pdf | |
PG and E LIEE PY206 Budge Augmentation Attachments A thru E.pdf | |
PG and E Low Income ProgPY09-11_Testimony in support of application.pdf | |
PG and E LowIncome EnBanc ALJ Data Request_FINAL.pdf | |
PG and E Monthly Report on Winter Initiative for December 05 1-6-05.pdf | |
PG and E Monthly Report on Winter Initiative for February 2006 3-7-06.pdf | |
PG and E Monthly Report on Winter Initiatives for April 2006 5-8-06.pdf | |
PG and E Monthly Report on Winter Intiative for March 2006 4-7-06.pdf | |
PG and E Petition to Modify D05-12-026 to establish Tankless Wtr Hr Pilot 3-6-06.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment for July 2005.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment for October 2005.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for April 2005.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for April 2006 5-22-06.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for August 2005.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for August 2006 9-21-06.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for December 2005.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for December 2006 1-22-06.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for February 2005.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for February 2006 3-21-06.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for January 2006 2-22-06.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for July 2006 8-21-06.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for June 2005.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for June 2006 7-21-06.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for March 2005.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for March 2006.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for November 2005.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for November 2006 12-21-06.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for October 2004 Attach A.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for October 2004 Certificate of Service.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for October 2004 Sum Act.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for October 2004.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for October 2006 11-21-06.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for September 2004 Attach A.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for September 2004 Certificate of Service.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for September 2004 Sum Act.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for September 2004.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for September 2005.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report for September 2006 10-21-06.pdf | |
PG and E Rapid Deployment Report May 2006.pdf | |
PG and E Reply Comment Low-Income Program 05-06 10-19-05.pdf | |
PG and E Reply Comments LIEE DD 2006-2007Final 12-12-05.pdf | |
PG and E Report on Winter Initiative for January 2006 2-7-06.pdf | |
PG and E Response to ALJ Ruling of June 25 ,2005 Seeking Further Info 7-7-08.pdf | |
PG and E Response to ALJ Ruling Seeking Further Info 6-27-08.pdf | |
PG and E Response to ALJs Fourth Data Request 8-21-08.pdf | |
PG and E Response to SCE App for approval of LI Assitance Program and Budgets FY 07-08 7-31-06.pdf | |
PG and E Supplemental November Winter Monthly Report 12-9-05.pdf | |
PG and E Testimony in Support of the 07-08 CARE and LIEE Programs 6-30-06.pdf | |
PG and E Winter Initiative Update.pdf | |
PG and E Winter Intiative Report for November 05 12-7-05.pdf | |
PG and E, SoCalGas Evaluation of 2010 WE and T Pilot Final Report 4-4-2011.pdf | |
PG and E's 2009-2011 LIEE APPLICATION FINAL.pdf | |
PG and E's Comments on October 6 Full Panel Hearing 9-30-05.pdf | |
PG and E's Comments on the draft decision by ALJ Thomas re Phase 5 of the LIEE Standardization Project 4-11-05.pdf | |
PG and E's Commnents on Low-Income Winter Proposal 10-17-05.pdf | |
PG and E's Reply Comments on DD of President Peevey and ALJ Malcolm on CA Solar Initiative 1-9-06.pdf | |
PG and E's Reply Comments on the Draft Decision of ALJ Thomas approving 2005 LIEE and CARE Programs 4-18-05.pdf | |
PGE 2011 (PY 2010) CARE Annual Report.pdf | |
PGE 2013 AR Overview Final (2014-June-03).pdf | |
PGE 2014 (PY 2013) ESA and CARE Annual Report.pdf | |
PGE Advice 2753-G Letter 8-29-06.pdf | |
PGE APR 11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE APR12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE APR13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE APR14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE AUG11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE AUG12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE AUG13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE AUG14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE DEC10 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE DEC11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE DEC12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE DEC13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE DEC14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE FEB 11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE FEB12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE FEB13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE FEB14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE FEB15 Low Income Monthly Report Tables.pdf | |
PGE FEB15 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE JAN11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE JAN12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE JAN13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE JAN14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE JAN15 Low Income Monthly Report Tables.pdf | |
PGE JAN15 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE JUL11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE JUL12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE JULY14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE JULY2013 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE JUN11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE JUN12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE JUN13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE JUNE14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE LIEE Pilot Program Evaluation - Clothes Washer and Microwave Pilot Program.pdf | |
PGE MAR 11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE MAR12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE MAR13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE MAR14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE MAR15 Low Income Monthly Report Tables.pdf | |
PGE MAY11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE MAY12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE MAY13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE MAY14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE NOV11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE NOV12 Low Income Program Monthly Report Tables.pdf | |
PGE NOV14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE OCT 11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE OCT12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE OCT13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE OCT14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE SEP11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE SEP12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE SEP13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE SEP14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
PGE Winter Initiative Update Low Income Program Feb 17 06 Workshop.pdf | |
PhaseII_final.pdf | |
poflp.pdf | |
Premilinary Report of the Assessment of Proposed New LIEE Measures.pdf | |
Proposed Changes to the Policy and Procedures Manual and WIS Manual.pdf | |
Proposed Decision of Commission Grueneich Adopting the CA Long Term Energy Effciency Strategic Plan 8-19-08.pdf | |
Proposed Emergency Regulations-Urban Water Conservation Drought.pdf | |
Proposed Revisions by the Standardization Team to LIEE Policies and Procedures and WIS Manual 3-9-06.pdf | |
Proposed Revisions to LIEE Team Proposed Revision to the LIEE and WIS Manual 3-9-06.pdf | |
PUC section 382 1.pdf | |
PUC's Executive Director's Grant of Deferment of the PY 2004 LIEE Impact Evaluation to 2005 3-29-05.pdf | |
PurchaseOrder.PDF | |
PV Now Comments on the CA Solar Initiative PD 1-3-06.pdf | |
PV Now CSI PD Reply Comments on the CA Solar Initiative 1-9-06.pdf | |
qualifications.pdf | |
Quick Sheet RSVP.docx | |
R 07-01-042-A 07-05-010 SCE Reply to Comments of Greenlining and Joint Protest of DRA re Change a Light 6-25-07.pdf | |
R.04-01-006 LIAP Response of SCE to ALJ Weissmans Request-Searchable.pdf | |
R.04-01-006 Response of SWG to ALJ Weissmans Request.pdf | |
R.04-01-006 SCE Reply Comments on Proposals.pdf | |
Replacement.PDF | |
Reply Comments of A W I S H on KEMAs NGAT 10-26-07.pdf | |
Reply Comments of A W I S H on KEMA's NGAT issues 10-26-07.pdf | |
Reply Comments of a W I S H on LIEE Program Objectives and Goals 5-8-07.pdf | |
Reply comments of ACCES on NGAT Isssues raised int he KEMA Report 10-26-07.pdf | |
Reply comments of DRA on LIEE Program Objectives and Goals 5-8-07.pdf | |
Reply Comments of DRA on the Issues Raised int the KEMA report 10-23-07.pdf | |
Reply Comments of SCG to comments of TELACU and Maravilla 3-28-05.pdf | |
Reply Comments of SCG to the second round comments of ORA 9-23-05.pdf | |
Reply Comments of the Greenlining Institute R 07-01-042 5-8-07.pdf | |
Reply Comments of TURN on LIEE Program Objectives and Goals 5-8-07.pdf | |
Reply of PacifiCorp to the response of DRA 8-2-06.pdf | |
Reply of SCE to the DRA's Response to SCE's Motion to extend LIEE Winter Initiative 5-19-06.pdf | |
Reply of SCE to TURN to SCE's Petition for Modification of D05-10-044 1-5-06.pdf | |
Reply of SCG to the protest and comments 6-30-08.pdf | |
Reply of Sierra DRA Response re Approval of its 07-08 LIEA Programs 7-24-06.pdf | |
Reply_Comments_of DRA on_LIEE_Program 5-8-07.pdf | |
Report on the Assessment of Proposed New Program Year 2006 LIEE Program Measures 5-2-05.pdf | |
report.pdf | |
Request for Comments on the Draft RFPs CSI 1-30-08.pdf | |
Respond of SGC to the 6-10-05 ED Supplemental Report on SMJU's for PY 2005 LI Programs 6-20-05.pdf | |
Response of DRA to ALJ Workshop Agenda.pdf | |
Response of DRA to PacificCorp's Low-Income App 7-10-06.pdf | |
Response of PG and E to ACR ordering IOU's to comply with Directives 7-1-08.pdf | |
Response of SCE to ACR ordering IOU's to comply with Directives 7-1-08.pdf | |
Response of SCE to DRA Request for Award of Compensation 4-20-06.pdf | |
Response of SCG to ACR ordering IOU's to comply with Directives 7-1-08.pdf | |
Response of SDG and E and SCG to ALJ Weissman's Data Request for Info to Help Mitigate Impacts on LI Customers 10-13-05.pdf | |
Response of SDG and E to ACR ordering IOU's to comply with Directives 7-1-08.pdf | |
Response to Protest to PG and E 2009-2011 LIEE App 6-30-08.pdf | |
Response to Protest to SDG and E 2009-2011 LIEE App 6-30-08.pdf | |
Revisions to the LIEE Statewide Policies and Procedures and WIS Manual 3 of 4.pdf | |
RHA's petition for modification of D06-12-038 4-11-07.pdf | |
RRM reportv6.pdf | |
San Diego Regional Energy Office Comments on the CA Solar Initiative PD 1-3-06.pdf | |
San Diego Regional Energy Office Reply Comments on the CA Solar Initiative 1-9-06.pdf | |
San Diego's comments of ALJ Thomas draft decision on behalf of the Standardization Team re Phase 5 of the LIEE Standardiz 1.pdf | |
sb_580_bill_20051007_chaptered.pdf | |
sb_580_bill_chaptered.pdf | |
sbx2_2.pdf | |
SCE 1969-E-A (Part 1 of 2) Establishment of Schedule CT-NEM, Combined Technlogies 8-21-06.pdf | |
SCE 1969-E-A (Part 2 of 2) 8-21-06.pdf | |
SCE 1971-E-A Revisions to Rule 21 Generating Facility Interconnection in Compliance with Resolution E-3996 6-26-06.pdf | |
SCE 2008 (PY 2007) LIEE Annual Report.pdf | |
SCE 2009 Cool Center Evaluation Report March 2010.pdf | |
SCE 2011 (PY 2010) CARE Annual Report.pdf | |
SCE 2014 (PY 2013) ESA and CARE Annual Report.pdf | |
SCE 2130-E_PGE 3060-E 6-1-07.pdf | |
SCE 2343-E_157-G Communication of Existing Income Limitations for CARE and FERA Prgms 5-14-09.pdf | |
SCE 5th Response Public Redacted Version 9-5-08.pdf | |
SCE 5th Response to ALJ Data Request 9-5-08.pdf | |
SCE Advice 2125-E Adjustment of Existing Income Limitation ofr CARE and FERA 5-14-07.pdf | |
SCE AL 132-G Implementation of Winter Initiative Program in Compliance with D 05-10-044 11-1-05.pdf | |
SCE AL 140-G Adjustment of Existing Income Limitations for CARE 5-21-07.pdf | |
SCE AL 1893-E Adjustment of Exisiting Income Limitations for CARE and FERA Part 1of4.pdf | |
SCE AL 1893-E Adjustment of Exisiting Income Limitations for CARE and FERA Part 2of4.pdf | |
SCE AL 1893-E Adjustment of Exisiting Income Limitations for CARE and FERA Part 3of4.pdf | |
SCE AL 1893-E Adjustment of Exisiting Income Limitations for CARE and FERA Part 4of4.pdf | |
SCE AL 1896-E Establishment of Application for CARE for Energy Program for Migrant Farm Workers Housing Centers from 14-7 1.pdf | |
SCE AL 1928-E Implementation of SCE's Winter Initiative Program in Compliance with D05-10-044 11-1-05.pdf | |
SCE AL 1929-E Disconnection Notice Past Due Utility Service and Other Services Form 14-665 11-14-05.pdf | |
SCE AL 1971-E Revisions to Rule 21, Generating Facility Intercommnections in Compliance with D05-08-013 2-27-06.pdf | |
SCE AL 2011-E Establishment of Cool Centers in SCE Territory 6-7-06.pdf | |
SCE AL 2090-E-A Supplement to Advice 2090-E 6-27-07.pdf | |
SCE AL 2139-E Modification of SCE's Preliminary Statement 7-19-07.pdf | |
SCE AL1998-E Substitute Sheets 6-20-07.pdf | |
SCE Annual Project Reports for FERA LIEE Pro 5-3-10.pdf | |
SCE APR11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE APR12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE APR13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE APR14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE AUG11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE AUG12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE AUG14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE AUG2013 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE CARE Annual Report for 2008.pdf | |
SCE CARE Annual Report FY 2000 dated May 1, 2001.pdf | |
SCE Comments and Proposals on October 6 Full Panel Hearing 9-28-05.pdf | |
SCE Comments E-3885 dated 8-9-04.pdf | |
SCE Comments in Response to Motion of SDG and E and SCG to Extend Self-Cert Enrollment for the LIEE 4-10-06.pdf | |
SCE Comments on ALJ Malcolm Draft Decision re 06 LIEE Budget 7-31-06.pdf | |
SCE Comments on ALJ Malcolm's PD RE Petition for Modification of D06-12-038 5-29-07.pdf | |
SCE Comments on DD Denying Tecogen Petition 2-6-06.pdf | |
SCE Comments on Draft Decision 10-26-05.pdf | |
SCE Comments on Draft Res E-3992 5-8-06.pdf | |
SCE Comments on Draft Res E-3996 5-8-06.pdf | |
SCE Comments on LIEE Goals and Objectives 4-27-07.pdf | |
SCE Comments on Oct 11 Proposals to Mitigate Bill Impact on LI Customers during the 05 Winter 10-17-05.pdf | |
SCE Comments on the CA Solar Initiative 1-3-06.pdf | |
SCE Comments on the draft decision by ALJ Thomas re Phase 5 of the LIEE Standardization Project 4-11-05.pdf | |
SCE Comments to the OIR 2-27-07.pdf | |
SCE Compliance Filing Pursuant to OP 33 of D05-04-052 12-22-05.pdf | |
SCE Compliance Filing Setting Forth the Cost Impacts of the Expansion of CARE Program 6-30-06.pdf | |
SCE Compliance Regarding Assembly Bill 2104 1-15-08.pdf | |
SCE Compliance with D05-04-052, re Budget for Automatic Enrollment, Budget for the CARE Audit, Workshop and Enrollment of 1.pdf | |
SCE Cover Letter.pdf | |
SCE DEC10 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE DEC11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE DEC12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE DEC14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE DEC2013 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE Errata to November 2005 Winter Initiative Report 1-9-05.pdf | |
SCE Errata to Sept 05 Rapid Deployment Report Missing Tables 10-28-05.pdf | |
SCE FEB 11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE FEB12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE FEB13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE FEB14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE FEB15 Low Income Monthly Report Tables.pdf | |
SCE FEB15 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE FERA Annual Report for 2008.pdf | |
SCE Filed 10-22-01 Rapid Deployment Report.pdf | |
SCE Final LIOB Presentation 6-21-11 mtg.pdf | |
SCE Final Template June 3 Public Meeting - 060314 Final.pdf | |
SCE JAN11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE JAN12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE JAN13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE JAN14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE JAN15 Low Income Monthly Report Tables.pdf | |
SCE JAN15 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE Joint Submittal of Revisions to Annual Estimates of CARE Eligible Cust 12-28-04.pdf | |
SCE JUL11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE JUL12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE JULY14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE JULY2013 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE JUN11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE JUN12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE JUNE13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE JUNE14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE Letter for Approval of the 2005 CARE and LIEE Programs 7-1-04.pdf | |
SCE Letter to Larson Re Typo Errors in D 06-12-038 1-18-07.pdf | |
SCE LI Appl - SCE-01 CARE and ESAP Testimony.pdf | |
SCE LI Appl - SCE-02 CARE and ESAP Testimony.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Monthly Report for January 08.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report April 2008.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report December 2008.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for April 2009.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for April 2010.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for August 2008.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for August 2009.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for August 2010.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for December 2009.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for February 2009.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for February 2010.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for January 2009.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for January 2010.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for July 2009.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for July 2010.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for June 2009.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for June 2010.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for March 2009.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for March 2010.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for May 2009.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for May 2010.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for November 2009.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for November 2010.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for October 2009.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for October 2010.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for September 2009.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report for September 2010.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report July 2008.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report June 2008.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report March 2008.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report May 2008.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report November 2008.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report October 2008.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Program Report September 2008.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for April 2007.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for August 2007.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for December 2007.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for February 2007.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for January 2007.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for July 2007.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for June 2007.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for March 2007.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for May 2007.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for November 2007.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for October 2007.pdf | |
SCE LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for September 2007.pdf | |
SCE LI Assitance Program Budget Application FY 2012-2014.pdf | |
SCE LIEE Annual Report for 2008.pdf | |
SCE LIEE Program Expenses as of July 31, 2006 8-21-06.pdf | |
SCE LIEE-CARE Annual Report 5-3-10.pdf | |
SCE Low Income Assistance Program Monthly Report February 2008.pdf | |
SCE MAR11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE MAR12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE MAR13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE MAR14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE MAR15 Low Income Monthly Report Tables.pdf | |
SCE MAR15 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE Marketing Presentation.pdf | |
SCE MAY11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE MAY12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE MAY13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE MAY14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE Monthly Report on Winter Initiative for December 05 1-6-05.pdf | |
SCE Monthly Report on Winter Initiative for February 2006 3-7-06.pdf | |
SCE Monthly Report on Winter Initiative for January 2006 2-7-06.pdf | |
SCE Monthly Report on Winter Initiatives for April 2006 5-5-06.pdf | |
SCE Monthly Report on Winter Intiative for March 2006 4-7-06.pdf | |
SCE Motion for Authority to take actions to Mitigate Bill Impacts on LI Customer during 2005 Winter period 10-11-05.pdf | |
SCE Motion to Extend Certain LIEE and CARE Program Policies 4-21-06.pdf | |
SCE Notice of Availibility of Demand Side Management Annual Report 5-1-06.pdf | |
SCE NOV11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE NOV12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE NOV14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE OCT 11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE OCT12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE OCT14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE OCT2013 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE on behalft of itself and the Joint Utilities Quarterly Charts for the 1st Quarter 2010 5-3-10.pdf | |
SCE Petition for Modification of D 06-12-038 3-30-07.pdf | |
SCE Petition for Modification of D05-10-044 11-28-05.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment for December 2004.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Monthly Report for July 2005.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for April 2005 Table A.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for April 2005 Table B.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for April 2005 Table C.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for April 2005.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for April 2006 5-22-06.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for August 2005.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for August 2006 9-21-06.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for December 2005.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for December 2006 1-22-06.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for February 2005.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for February 2006 3-21-06.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for January 2005.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for January 2006 2-21-06.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for July 2005 Searchable.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for July 2006 8-21-06.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for June 2005.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for June 2006 7-21-06.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for March 2005.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for March 2006.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for May 2005.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for May 2006.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for November 2003.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for November 2004.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for November 2005.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for November 2006 -12-21-06.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for October 2005.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for October 2006 11-21-06.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for September 2004.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for September 2005.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for September 2006 10-21-06.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report for Year End 2005 2-21-06.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Report PY 2005 Year-End Report 2-21-06.pdf | |
SCE Rapid Deployment Year End 2004.pdf | |
SCE Reply Comments E-3885 dated 8-13-04.pdf | |
SCE Reply Comments on Joint Petition of PGE SDGE to Modify D 06-12-038 4-20-07.pdf | |
SCE Reply Comments on the draft decision by ALJ Thomas approving 2005 LIEE and CARE Programs 4-18-05.pdf | |
SCE Reply Comments re AB 2104 6-15-07.pdf | |
SCE Reply Comments re issues on KEMA report and on NGAT 10-26-07.pdf | |
SCE Reply Comments to the DD Approving 06-07 LI Programs and Funding 12-12-05.pdf | |
SCE Reply to Protest of DRA 6-30-08.pdf | |
SCE Reply to the Protest of ACCES, PG and E and Disability Rights Advocates 8-14-06.pdf | |
SCE Response to ALJ Ruling of June 25 ,2008 Seeking Further Info 7-7-08.pdf | |
SCE Response to ALJ Ruling Seeking Further Info 6-27-08.pdf | |
SCE Response to ALJs Fourth Data Request 8-21-08.pdf | |
SCE Response to ALJ's Ruling Consolodating Applications for PY2005 LIEE and CARE 10-7-04.pdf | |
SCE Response to Information Requirements 10-18-2005.pdf | |
SCE Response to Information Requirements 10-19-2005.pdf | |
SCE Response to Vote Solar Initiative Request 6-7-06.pdf | |
SCE SEP11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE SEP12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE SEP14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE SEP2013 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCE Supplement to Application Requesting Approval of LI Assistance Programs and Budget FY 2006 and 2007 10-11-05.pdf | |
SCE Testimonyin support of Application of LIAP and Budgets FY 2007-2008 7-3-06.pdf | |
SCE Winter Initiative Report for November 05 12-7-05.pdf | |
SCE's 2006 Annual Low Income Progress Report 5-1-07.pdf | |
SCE's 2009-2011 LIEE APPLICATION FINAL.pdf | |
SCE's Annual CARE Report for 2005.pdf | |
SCE's Annual CARE Report for 2006.pdf | |
SCE's Annual CARE Report for 2007 May 1 2008.pdf | |
SCEs Letter Re Extension to File CARE Eligible Customers 8-15-06.pdf | |
SCE's Letter to ALJ Weissman not seeking a 2006 Budget Augmentation 4-14-06.pdf | |
SCE's Low Income ProgPY09-11_Testimony in support of application.pdf | |
SCE's Proposal for Evaluation of the 2005 Cool Center Pilot Program as Required by D05-04-052 6-20-05.pdf | |
SCE's Reply Comment to the Limited Protest of ORA in A05-06-009 7-15-05.pdf | |
SCG AL 3498 Revision of the Income-Eligibility Guidelines and Submission of Revised App Forms and Instructions for CARE P 1.pdf | |
SCG AL3509 New CARE Applicatin for Migrant Farm Worker Housing Center 6-27-05.pdf | |
SCG AL3509-A Supplement Revision to Tariffs and New CARE Applications for Migrant Farmworkers 3-30-06.pdf | |
SCG AL3509-A Supplement Revisions to Tariff and New CARE Applications for Migrant Farmwrkr Housng Center 3-30-06.pdf | |
SCG AL3524-A Supplemental Request to Establish New Memo Accnt for Call Center 11-3-05.pdf | |
SCG AL3543 Update of Public Purpose Program Surcharge Rates Effective 1-1-06 10-31-05.pdf | |
SCG AL3545 Emergency 05-06 Winter Gas Initiative in Compliance with D 05-10-044 11-1-05.pdf | |
SCG AL3545 Letter Sub Sheets 2-3-06.pdf | |
SCG AL3545A Additional Sheet 12-8-05.pdf | |
SCG AL3556 December 2005 Core Procurement Charge Update and Implementation of CARE 11-30-05.pdf | |
SCG AL3561 Compliance with D05-11-027 12-8-05.pdf | |
SCG AL3566 Establishement of Two Separate Balancing Accoutn for EE Programs 12-15-05.pdf | |
SCG AL3604 New Schedule No GML, Multi Family Service, Income Qualified 3-1-06.pdf | |
SCG AL3615 CARE Application Forms 3-29-06.pdf | |
SCG AL3631 Revisions of the Income-Eligiliby Guidelines and Submission of Revised Application for CARE 5-15-06.pdf | |
SCG AL3775 Addition of Categorical Elgibility and Fixed Income Recertification for CARE 9-24-07.pdf | |
SCG Annual LIEE CARE 2009 Results 5-3-10.pdf | |
SCG APR12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG APR14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG AUG12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG AUG13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG AUG14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG CARE Annual Report for 2008.pdf | |
SCG CARE Annual Report FY 2000 dated May 1, 2001.pdf | |
SCG CARE Annual Report FY 2001 dated May 1, 2002.pdf | |
SCG DEC12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG EEP Annual Report PY 2005.PDF | |
SCG Errata to Table 2 and Table 5 of Rapid Deployment Report Year-End 2004 3-17-05.pdf | |
SCG FEB 11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG FEB12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG FEB14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG FEB15 Low Income Monthly Report Tables.pdf | |
SCG FEB15 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG Final 2013 Annual Report Public Meeting Presentation 06032014 (2).pdf | |
SCG JAN12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG JAN14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG JAN15 Low Income Monthly Report Tables.pdf | |
SCG JAN15 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG JUL12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG JULY14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG JUN12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG JUNE14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Monthly Report for January 08.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report April 2008.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report December 2008.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report Feb 2008.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for April 2009.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for April 2010.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for August 2008.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for August 2009.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for August 2010.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for December 2009.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for February 2009.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for February 2010.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for January 2009.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for January 2010.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for July 2009 Rev.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for July 2009.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for July 2010.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for June 2009.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for June 2010.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for March 2009.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for March 2010.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for May 2009.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for May 2010.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for November 2009.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for November 2010.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for October 2009.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for October 2010.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for September 2009.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report for September 2010.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report July 2008.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report June 2008.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report March 2008.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report May 2008.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report October 2008.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Program Report September 2008.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for April 2007.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for August 2007.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for December 2007.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for July 2007.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for June 2007.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for March 2007.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for May 2007.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for October 2007.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for September 2007.pdf | |
SCG LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report Nov 2007.pdf | |
SCG LI copy 2.pdf | |
SCG LIEE Annual Report for 2008.pdf | |
SCG Low Income Energy Efficiency Programs Annual Summary and Technical Appendix 5-1-07.pdf | |
SCG MAR12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG MAR14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG MAR15 Low Income Monthly Report Tables.pdf | |
SCG MAY12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG MAY14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG Monthly Report on Winter Initiative for December 05 1-6-05.pdf | |
SCG Monthly Report on Winter Initiative for February 2006 3-7-06.pdf | |
SCG Monthly Report on Winter Initiative for January 2006 2-7-06.pdf | |
SCG Monthly Report on Winter Initiative for March 2006 4-6-06.pdf | |
SCG Monthly Report on Winter Initiatives for April 2006 5-5-06.pdf | |
SCG NOV12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG NOV14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG OCT12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG OCT14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment for May 2006.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for April 2005.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for April 2006 5-22-06.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for August 2005.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for August 2006 9-21-06.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for December 2004.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for December 2005.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for December 2006 1-22-06.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for February 2005.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for February 2006 3-21-06.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for January 2005.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for January 2006 2-21-06.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for July 2006 8-21-06.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for June 2005.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for June 2006 7-21-06.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for March 2006.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for May 2005.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for November 2004.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for November 2005.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for November 2006 12-21-06.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for October 2004.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for October 2005.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for October 2006 11-21-06.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for September 2004.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for September 2006 10-21-06.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report for Year End 2005 2-21-06.pdf | |
SCG Rapid Deployment Report Year End 2004.pdf | |
SCG Response to ALJ Ruling of June 25 ,2008 Seeking Further Info 7-7-08.pdf | |
SCG Response to ALJ Ruling Seeking Further Info 6-27-08.pdf | |
SCG Response to ALJs Fourth Data Request 8-21-08.pdf | |
SCG Revised Monthly Report on Winter Initiatives for April 2006 5-8-06.pdf | |
SCG Revised Monthly Report on Winter Initiatives for March 2006 4-10-06.pdf | |
SCG Revised Winter Initiative Report for January 2006 2-9-06.pdf | |
SCG Second Revised Montly Report on Winter Initiatives for April 2006.pdf | |
SCG SEP12 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG SEP14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SCG Supplement to Winter Initiative Report for December 05 1-10-06.pdf | |
SCG Winter Initiative Report for November 05 12-7-05.pdf | |
SCG's Annual CARE Report for 2007 May 1 2008.pdf | |
SDG and E and SCE Comments on October 6 Full Panel Hearing 9-28-05.pdf | |
SDG and E and SCG Joint Petition for Modification of D06-12-038 2-20-07.pdf | |
SDG and E and SCG Opening Comments on Parties Proposals for Winter 2005 - 2006 10-17-05.pdf | |
SDG and E and SCG Winter Initiatives Update.pdf | |
SDG and E Annual LIEE CARE 2009 Results 5-3-10.pdf | |
SDG and E Attachment C to 2005 Programs 7-1-04.pdf | |
SDG and E CARE Annual Report for 2008.pdf | |
SDG and E CARE Annual Report FY 2000 dated May 1, 2001.pdf | |
SDG and E CARE Annual Report FY 2001 dated May 1,2002.pdf | |
SDG and E Comments on Draft Res E-3996 5-8-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Errata to Rapid Deployment Report for November 2005 1-18-06.pdf | |
SDG and E FERA 2009 Annual Report 5-3-10.pdf | |
SDG and E FERA Annual Report for 2008.pdf | |
SDG and E Gregg Lawless 2009-2011 Testimony of CARE App.pdf | |
SDG and E Gregg Lawless 2009-2011 Testimony of LIEE App.pdf | |
SDG and E Kevin McKinley 2009-2011 Testimony of LIEEP App.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Monthly Report for January 08.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report April 2008.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report December 2008.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report Feb 2008.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for April 2009.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for April 2010.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for August 2008.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for August 2009.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for August 2010.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for February 2009.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for February 2010.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for January 2009.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for January 2010.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for July 2009.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for July 2010.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for June 2009.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for June 2010.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for March 2009.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for March 2010.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for May 2009.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for November 2009.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for November 2010.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for October 2009.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for October 2010.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for September 2009.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report for September 2010.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report July 2008.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report June 2008.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report March 2008.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report May 2008.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report November 2008.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report October 2008.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Program Report September 2008.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for April 2007.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for August 2007.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for December 2007.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for July 2007.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for June 2007.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for March 2007.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for May 2007.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for November 2007.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for October 2007.pdf | |
SDG and E LI Assistance Programs Monthly Report for September 2007.pdf | |
SDG and E LIEE Annual Report for 2008.pdf | |
SDG and E LIEE Annual Summary 2005 Report.PDF | |
SDG and E Monthly Report on Winter Initiative for December 05 1-6-05.pdf | |
SDG and E Monthly Report on Winter Initiative for February 2006 3-7-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Monthly Report on Winter Initiative for January 2006 2-7-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Monthly Report on Winter Initiative for March 2006 4-6-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Monthly Report on Winter Initiatives for April 2006 5-5-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment for May 2006.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment for October 2005.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report (second part) for January 2004.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report (second part) Year End 2003.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report fo April 2006 5-22-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for April 2005.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for August 2005.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for August 2006 -9-21-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for December 2004.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for December 2005.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for December 2006 1-22-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for February 2005.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for February 2006 3-21-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for January 2004 - second part.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for January 2005.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for January 2006 2-21-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for July 2006 8-21-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for June 2005.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for June 2006 7-21-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for March 2006.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for May 2005.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for November 2004.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for November 2005.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for November 2006 12-1-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for October 2004.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for October 2006 11-21-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for September 2004.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for September 2005.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report for September 2006 10-21-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Report Year End 2003 - second part.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Repot for Year End 2005 2-21-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Rapid Deployment Year End 2004.pdf | |
SDG and E Request for Augmentation of the LIEE Standardization Team Techical Support Budget 10-11-05.pdf | |
SDG and E Response to ALJ Ruling of June 25 ,2008 Seeking Further Info 7-7-08.pdf | |
SDG and E Response to ALJ Ruling Seeking Further Info 6-27-08.pdf | |
SDG and E Response to ALJs Fourth Data Request 8-20-08.pdf | |
SDG and E Revision to December 2005 Rapid Deployment Report 2-17-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Richard Hobbs 2009-2011 Testimony in Support of App.pdf | |
SDG and E Substitute Sheets for AL 1738-E _1566-G 1-17-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Substitute Sheets for AL 1776-E-A 7-13-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Supplement to Rapid Deployment Report for November 2005 1-18-06.pdf | |
SDG and E Winter Initiative Report for November 05 12-7-05.pdf | |
SDG and E's 2009-2011 LIEE Application Final 5-15-08.pdf | |
SDG and E's AL 1563-G 10-31-05.pdf | |
SDG and E's Annual CARE Report for 2007 May 1 2008.pdf | |
SFOEWD WET Final Report (2-28-11).pdf | |
Sierra Comments on Renter Access to LIEE and AB 2104 6-13-07.pdf | |
Sierra Pacific 2004 Low Income Progress Report 4-29-05.pdf | |
Sierra Pacific 2005 Mid-Year Low Income Report Jan-June 05 7-29-05.pdf | |
Sierra Pacific Annual Low-Income Rpt-2009 5-3-10.pdf | |
Sierra Pacific CARE and LIEE Report 5-1-03 thru 12-31-03 dated 8-2-04.pdf | |
Sierra Pacific Low Income Assistance Program 2007 Mid-Year Rpt 08-01-0707.pdf | |
Sierra Pacific Low Income Programs Progress Report PY2010.pdf | |
Sierra Pacific Low Income Progress Report 4-28-06.pdf | |
Sierra Pacific Power Annual Low-Income Progress rpt-2007.pdf | |
Sierra Pacific Power CARE and LIEE cover letter dated 8-2-04.pdf | |
Sierra Pacific Power Company 2006 Low Income Progress Report 5-1-07.pdf | |
Sierra Pacific Power Company Geothermal Compliance Report 12-30-05.pdf | |
Sierra Power Company Application Approving it 2007-2008 LIEE and CARE Rates 6-1-06.pdf | |
Sierra's Annual Low-Income Mid-Year Report - January - June 2006 7-31-06.pdf | |
SMJU Comments on 2nd ALJ Ruling on AB 868.pdf | |
So Cal Gas AL3408-A Supplemental Filing Revisions to Gas Tariffs in Compliacne with Gas Public Purpose Program Surcharge.pdf | |
SoCal Attachment C to 2005 Programs 7-1-04.pdf | |
SoCal Gas 2008 EE AnnualReport 5-1-08.pdf | |
SoCal Gas 2009-2011 LIEE Application Final 5-15-08.pdf | |
SoCal Gas AL3524 Request to Establish New Memorandum Account for Incremental Call Center Costs 8-29-05.pdf | |
SoCal Gas AL3773 CARE Transportation Surcharge for Recovery of Well Work Project Costs Update for 2008 9-14-07.pdf | |
SoCal Gas Carmen Rudshagen 2009-2011 Testimony of CARE App.pdf | |
SoCal Gas James Lucas 2009-2011 Testimony of LIEE App.pdf | |
SoCal Gas Kevin McKinley 2009-2011 Testimony of LIEEP App.pdf | |
SoCal Gas Richard Hobbs 2009-2011 Testimony in Support of App.pdf | |
SoCal Gas Withdrawal of Advice 3394 CARE Automatic Enrollment 11-10-05.pdf | |
SoCalGas 2011 (PY 2010) CARE Annual Report Attachment A.pdf | |
SoCalGas 2011 (PY 2010) CARE Annual Report Attachment B.pdf | |
SoCalGas 2011 (PY 2010) CARE Annual Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas 2014 (PY 2013) ESA and CARE Annual Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas APR11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas APR13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas AUG11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas CARE Annual Report 2005 Results.pdf | |
SoCalGas DEC10 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas DEC11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas DEC14 Low Income Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas DEC2013 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas FEB13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas Final Report on 2009-2011 HE FAU Pilot.pdf | |
SoCalGas JAN11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas JAN13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas JUL11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas JULY2013 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas JUN11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas JUN13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas Letter to ALJ Weissman responding to ACCESS letter dated 7-28-05 - 8-11-05.pdf | |
SoCalGas MAR11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas MAR13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas MAY11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas MAY13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas NOV11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas NOV13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas OCT 11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas OCT13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas Rapid Deployment Report for September 2005.pdf | |
SoCalGas SEP11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SoCalGas SEP13 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
Social Vuln to CC in CA.pdf | |
Social Vulnerability and CC- Synthesis of Literature.pdf | |
Solar Workshop.pdf | |
South West Gas Annual Low-Income Progress rpt-2007.pdf | |
South West Gas Low Income Assistance Programs 2007 Mid-Year Status Report Jan 07 - June 07 8-1-07.pdf | |
Southwest Gas Corp 05-06 Winter Initiative Final Report 7-18-06.pdf | |
Southwest Gas Low Income Programs Progress Report PY2010.pdf | |
Standardization Team History Feb 17 06 workshop.pdf | |
Standardization Team History.pdf | |
Standardization Team Proposing Revisions to the LIEE Policies and Procedures and WIS Manual 11-1-05.pdf | |
State Building and Construction Trades AFL-CIO Comments onf the CA Solar Initiative 1-3-06.pdf | |
Statewide Low Income Energy Efficiency Program Policy and Procedure Manual 8-31-10.pdf | |
StatewideP and P_Nov03.pdf | |
StatewidePPManual-2006-final_rev04_2006-3.pdf | |
SummaryDoc.pdf | |
Supplement to SCE MAY11 Low Income Program Monthly Report.pdf | |
SuppRequest of DRA for Award of Intervenor Comp 3-21-06.pdf | |
SW Gas Comments on Oct 6 Full Panel Hearing 9-28-05.pdf | |
SWG AL 745-A CARE Expansion 200 11-2-05.pdf | |
SWG Annual Low-Income Mid Year Report January - June 2006 7-31-06.pdf | |
SWG Comments ALJ Draft Decision 10-26-05.pdf | |
SWG Monthly Report on Winter Initiatives for April 2006 5-8-06.pdf | |
SWG Reply Comments to DRA LIAP Program Budgets 7-17-06.pdf | |
SWG Reply to DRA Response 2007-2008 Appl 7-17-06.pdf | |
SWGas - Corrections to July 24 2006 ED Rpt 8-24-06.pdf | |
SWGas - LIAP 2004 Annual Report 5-3-05.pdf | |
SWGas 2005-2006 Winter Initiative Final Report 6-30-06.pdf | |
SWGas 2006 Annual Low Income Progress Report 5-1-07.pdf | |
SWGas 2009 LIAPAnnual Report 5-3-10.pdf | |
SWGas Comments on ED Rpt for 05 CARE and LIEE Programs of the SMU's 5-20-05.pdf | |
SWGas Comments on Scoping Ruling in R 07-01-042 4-27-07.pdf | |
SWGas Monthly Report on Winter Initiative for February 2006 3-7-06.pdf | |
SWGas Monthly Report on Winter Initiative for January 06 2-7-06.pdf | |
SWGas Monthly Report on Winter Initiative for March 2006 4-7-06.pdf | |
SWGas Opening Comments to the OIR re Policies, Procedures and Rules 2-26-07.pdf | |
SWGas PY2005 CAREand LIEE Program Budgets App.pdf | |
SWGas Response to ALJ Ruling re the SMJU's LIEE and CARE 1-11-05.pdf | |
SWGas Winter Initiative Report for December 2005.pdf | |
SWGas Winter Monthly Report on Customer Payments on Residential Accounts November 05 12-6-05.pdf | |
SWGas Winter Report for December 2005 1-6-06.pdf | |
SWGL-I Assist Programs - 2005 Annual Report 5-1-06.pdf | |
T-24 Changes to Conv WIS _7-15-05_.pdf | |
T-24 Changes to Mobile WIS _7-18-05_.pdf | |
Tables A-D.pdf | |
Tble 5 CARE Annual Report.pdf | |
TELACU and Maravilla Opening Comments to the OIR 2-26-07.pdf | |
TELACU and Maravillosa comments on the Standardization Project Teams's Proposed Revisions to the LIEE Program and WIS Man 1.pdf | |
Testimony of SCE in Support of Application for Approval of SCE's Change a Light 5-10-07.pdf | |
testimony.pdf | |
testimonychapters.pdf | |
testimony-Reguly.pdf | |
testimony-Williams-CARE.pdf | |
testimony-Williams-ESAP.pdf | |
The Low Income Public Purpose Test (LIPPT) May 25, 2001.pdf | |
TS PacifiCorp CARE 2007 Progress Report.pdf | |
Vote Solar Comments on the CA Solar Initiative PD 1-3-06.pdf | |
Vote Solar Reply Comments on CA Solar Initiative 1-9-06.pdf | |
Water Energy Nexus - Revised Scope.pdf | |
White Paper CCO Inbound Pilot 4-9-10.pdf | |
windows_tips881.pdf | |
Workplan, Budget and Schedule for Phase 5 dated Dec 7, 2004.pdf | |
Workshop 2 and 3 Niagara Handouts.pdf | |
Workshop 2 and 3 Niagara Handouts.pdf | |
Workshop 3 D 0208034 Attachment 2 on LIEE Cost Effectiveness.pdf | |
Workshop 4 Coordinating energy programs SMUD HPP-MF.pdf | |
Workshop 4 HANDOUT RE OWNERSHIP WELLTYPE D20111018.pdf | |
Workshop 4 Heating DHW Analysis Summary Sheet1.pdf | |
Workshop 4 Multifamily Sector Issue.pdf | |
Workshop 7 CE Program Requirement Comparions.pdf | |
Workshop 8 Opower Low Income Proposal.pdf | |
Workshop and 4 Agenda.pdf | |
Workshop and 6 Agenda.pdf | |